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konquerorrc setting for session management save time

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    [SOLVED] konquerorrc setting for session management save time

    According to this blog post ( there's a setting in konquerorrc to "save session every X seconds". The default is supposed to be 10 seconds.

    What's the proper syntax for the setting?

    I use Konqueror almost exclusively as a document viewer with saved sessions. Saving settings every 10 seconds serves no useful purpose for me. I'd be happy to disable autosave completely.


    This is an old article from May of 2008 that you link us to. IIUC, this has to do with development. What makes you think that your 2012 edition of Konqueror is saving the session every 10 seconds?

    This looks more to be a debugging feature that is specifically turned on by the developers during the testing and development of the product. That would ordinarily be turned off once the product is stable.

    Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.



      Whenever Konqueror starts it puts a file in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/autosave/; the filename references the PID. The timestamp on the file changes every 10 seconds; the ls command with --time-stamp argument shows that. The file is deleted when Konqueror exits cleanly. iotop also shows Konqueror writing to the disk every 10 seconds. This happens regardless of how Konqueror is being used - file manager, browser, document viewer.

      Like I said in the original post, I use it almost exclusively as a viewer for local pdf & djvu files. It's the best thing going for me; I can save sessions with multiple tabs and windows, Okular remembers the location in the document when the viewer closed. Hearing the hard drive tick and seeing the light flash and draining the battery for a feature that doesn't help me at all is annoying

      btw, this has been true of Konqueror since KDE 3.something; I'm presently at 4.8.3. I would have tried to address it earlier but didn't figure out what was going on until I found that article a couple days ago. As for the feature being turned off, firefox's default autosave time in the latest version is 15 seconds. It's easy to adjust with about:config, though.
      Last edited by sundoulos; May 30, 2012, 08:38 AM.


        What's the proper syntax for the setting?
        ...You can change the autosave time editing ~/.kde4/share/config/konquerorrc and adding this:


        That would make konqueror autosave every 2 seconds instead of every 10 seconds which is the default value...
        With the Kubuntu: ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorrc. Maybe the AutoSaveInterval=0 will disable it ?

        A related bug:
        Last edited by OneLine; May 30, 2012, 11:13 AM.
        Have you tried ?

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          Thanks a million Zero isn't a good value, Konqueror doesn't know what to do with it. But a big number seems to work ok. I used 10000 for starters; doesn't totally disable the feature but sure reduces needless disk activity.



            The timestamp on the file changes every 10 seconds; the ls command with --time-stamp argument shows that. The file is deleted when Konqueror exits cleanly. iotop also shows Konqueror writing to the disk every 10 seconds. This happens regardless of how Konqueror is being used - file manager, browser, document viewer.
            Yeah, I guess that would indicate that it is indeed saving a file every 10 seconds.

            I did look through the configuration options for Konqueror, but found nothing on this autosave feature. That is why I wondered if it was a currently implemented 'feature'. I make no pretensions as to my knowledge of Linux (or more accurately, the lack of it). Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than I can offer a solution for you.

            OOps. I see someone already did.

            Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.

