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TRINE2 - linux - steam - no clue whatsoever

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    TRINE2 - linux - steam - no clue whatsoever

    'Twas forbidden, but Faustus hath done it anyway...

    Saw an announcement on Phoronix for a really neat game, TRINE2, and as I have pretty much given up on games, I knew I shouldn't be tempted, but I was. It says "linux client is available" and points to the website, so I stuck my nose in there. On the forum saw a lot of postings about "I just got it", etc.

    But of course absolutely NOTHING as to HOW they got it...

    So I paid the money (cheap) on Steam, but now it looks like there really is nothing for linux there.

    I do know a little bit about linux, but nothing about the whole "gaming" scene. Has anyone downloaded this from anywhere (not the demo, the real "Collector's Edition") and got it working? I have no clue what to do. Wine is essentially non-functional on this system, I have no intention of debugging it, especially if there is a real linux client. If I have to get the game somewhere else and blow off the $ I spent on Steam, that's fine, as I know someone I can give the steam account to that has windows.
    Last edited by doctordruidphd; Apr 02, 2012, 03:25 PM. Reason: solved
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

    says at the bottom of the "buy" page on thier site "Linux and DRM free versions will be added to Humble Store purchases in 2012. " I check the latest humblebundle and didn't see it there as of yet


      Yeah, I saw that, but I'm not sure what the "humble bundle" thing is all about, either. Well, some people claim to have it, so it's somewhere.
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        yeah i got the last one, has some good games, World of Goo being, i think, the most notable. is the website for the current one. you can choose how much you wish to pay for the bundle and they split the monies between all the indie companies that have games in the bundle.


          Solved. The humble-bundle widget that appears on this page directs you to the download, and so far, working great on 12.04.

          Neat side-scrolling game, with great graphics & audio.
          We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

