For some years I have been using Mandriva but their latest edition has been a constant source of problems for me. I have installed Kubuntu on two of my machines via VMWare and like it a lot. My main problem is the partitioning for this installation, I want to be able to save my "Home" drive.
The unit I want to install Kubuntu-11.04-DesktopAMD64.iso on shares the drive with Windows XP and I want Windows to stay there. Some of the work I do can only be done on Windows - more's the pity.
When I get going with the Kubuntu installation and get to the partitioning part, I get the following:
Guided - resize sc13 (0.0.0), partition #7 (sda) and use the freed space.
This is what is listed under "Before":
/dev/sda1 47.4% (94.8 GB)
/dev/sda5 6.4% (12.9 GB)
/dev/sda6 2.1% ( 4.2 GB)
/dev/sda7 39.3% (78.7 GB)
/dev/sda2 4.8% ( 9.5 GB)
Kubuntu proposes the following changes:
/dev/sda7 to 28% (56.0 GB)
/dev/sda2 to Kubuntu 11.3% (22.7 GB)
So how do I go forward, saving my current /home drive and have it as a dual Kubuntu/Windows system.
Any help would be appreciated, Thank you. Elder73.
The unit I want to install Kubuntu-11.04-DesktopAMD64.iso on shares the drive with Windows XP and I want Windows to stay there. Some of the work I do can only be done on Windows - more's the pity.
When I get going with the Kubuntu installation and get to the partitioning part, I get the following:
Guided - resize sc13 (0.0.0), partition #7 (sda) and use the freed space.
This is what is listed under "Before":
/dev/sda1 47.4% (94.8 GB)
/dev/sda5 6.4% (12.9 GB)
/dev/sda6 2.1% ( 4.2 GB)
/dev/sda7 39.3% (78.7 GB)
/dev/sda2 4.8% ( 9.5 GB)
Kubuntu proposes the following changes:
/dev/sda7 to 28% (56.0 GB)
/dev/sda2 to Kubuntu 11.3% (22.7 GB)
So how do I go forward, saving my current /home drive and have it as a dual Kubuntu/Windows system.
Any help would be appreciated, Thank you. Elder73.