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Kubuntu software update PPA

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    Kubuntu software update PPA

    Is this PPA related to the official Kubuntu project?

    Kubuntu is hardly splittet into much groups and sometimes if we want a update for a single application we have to update much more because the ppa has 3000 applications. we will provide a "ppa for 1 app" wich we copy from the original kubuntu ppa or other sources that we trust.
    Its an easy job and if you want to be a part, just ask
    Ohh and "KubSoUp" -> KUBuntu SOftware Update Ppa
    It lists PPAs for:
    • Amarok
    • Chokoq
    • Digikam
    • Kontact
    • Muon
    • Telepathy KDE

    Re: Kubuntu software update PPA



      Re: Kubuntu software update PPA

      I don't see the role "Sandra Karuving", whose English is marginal, is supposed to be playing with "SoUp", and I've never hear of her in relationship to Kubuntu, KDE or Qt. That individual has only 89 postings on Launchpad, in total, dating back only 5 months, and I don't see any apps with her (?) listed as the author. I'm pretty sure that a Launchpad "clearing house", which seems to be the core of her idea, isn't needed or useful.

      If you click on one of the apps listed, say Muon for example, it takes you to another PPA, this one listing the author of Muon as Jonathan Thomas , a.k.a. "echidnaman", a member of this forum, and the write of Muon. Anything from his PPA is good stuff, and Muon is in the repository of Natty and Oneiric and is, as you probably know, the default package manager. The various PPA's for Kubuntu apps not only gives access to the latest compiled binaries, all verified by GPG keys, but also to source code which could be downloaded and compiled by those skilled enough to do so. But, as Launchpad says, "You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA ", but most of the time the Kubuntu repository suffices and is both supported and trusted.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Kubuntu software update PPA

        the description of the ppa pretty much sums up what it is.

        I have a ppa or 3, and I definitely am not the author of anything


          Re: Kubuntu software update PPA

          That's what I thought.

