Long story, but the question is, how to pin packages to a ppa repository. The following file in /etc/apt/preferences.d "pins" firefox to a specific repository (so that the betas never get installed):
Package: firefox firefox-globalmenu firefox-gnome-support
Pin: release a=natty-updates
Pin-Priority: 600
I want to accomplish the same thing on oneiric, but the oneiric repositories have betas in them. So I want to "pin" firefox to the mozilla stable repository. (I am fully aware that I will be installing a version built for natty, prepared for the fact that it might not run, etc etc etc. Oneiric is an experimental OS at this point, so why not experiment?)
deb h-t-t-p://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu natty main
(I put the dashes in to keep the board from reformatting it)
In the pin file, the "a=" part specifies the release (repository) to use.
The question is, what should go in the "a=" part for the ppa?
Package: firefox firefox-globalmenu firefox-gnome-support
Pin: release a=natty-updates
Pin-Priority: 600
I want to accomplish the same thing on oneiric, but the oneiric repositories have betas in them. So I want to "pin" firefox to the mozilla stable repository. (I am fully aware that I will be installing a version built for natty, prepared for the fact that it might not run, etc etc etc. Oneiric is an experimental OS at this point, so why not experiment?)
deb h-t-t-p://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu natty main
(I put the dashes in to keep the board from reformatting it)
In the pin file, the "a=" part specifies the release (repository) to use.
The question is, what should go in the "a=" part for the ppa?