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Kubuntu is only 13th at DistroWatch

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    Kubuntu is only 13th at DistroWatch

    While ubuntu is leading the list of distros, kubuntu is only at 13th place and dropping. Since kubuntu is my favorite distro i realy can't understand why, maybe because people look at it as part of ubuntu and not as an independent distiribution.
    I realy think it's rank sould be higher, at least in the top ten.
    Also, the site's administrator should change the description of kubuntu, not mentioning, quote: "You can get exactly the same effect by installing Ubuntu and adding the KDE packages from the Ubuntu archives".

    Re: Kubuntu is only 13th at DistroWatch

    The funny thing is, Kubuntu isn't an independent distro at all. Kubuntu is a derivative distro, a project within the wider umbrella of Ubuntu. It's only independent in a sense that it has it's own webpage and some developers solely dedicated on Kubuntu. But most of the content of Kubuntu is really just Ubuntu. Kubuntu is really just "Ubuntu with KDE" (

    Why shouldn't DistroWatch's web admin display that "phrase", when the Kubuntu web page itself displays it? (

    Of course, we all like/love Kubuntu (at least most of us? ), and would probably want it to enjoy the same level of popularity of Ubuntu. However, we can't deny the fact of what Kubuntu really is, in relation to Ubuntu. But being a derivative distro doesn't mean it's a second-class distro, and Mark Shuttleworth promised to work towards improving Kubuntu to be a first-class citizen of Ubuntu.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Kubuntu is only 13th at DistroWatch

      Well, I'm using several distros in different machines, I have MEPIS, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and SUSE.. The only reason why I have Ubuntu is because of the FREE CD last year.. that's the first time that I've used Ubuntu.. but if eversince Kubuntu was shipped with FREE CDs too, I have a feeling that it could have surpassed Ubuntu.. I have talked to a lot of Linux users and the first ever distro they've used is Ubuntu.. why? because they got the CDs for free.. and when somebody is already accustomed to his/her first ever distro, it is hard to convince these people to switch.. I like KDE, that's why I'm using Kubuntu.. my Ubuntu machine is just for testing purposes..


        Re: Kubuntu is only 13th at DistroWatch

        You shouldn't put too much weight on lists like the one on Distrowatch...Just have fun with your chosen distro whether it's first or onehundred and eleventh


          Re: Kubuntu is only 13th at DistroWatch

          I agree with kubicle.

          It doesn't really matter where any distribution is in the charts, what's important is that you enjoy using Kubuntu if that is your preferred distro.

          I use a variety of distributions for a variety of tasks. I like (*)Ubuntu as it is Debian based, which in my experience is an absolute rock solid platform. I have been using Ubuntu for a long time now, but as I prefer KDE I have switched to Kubuntu since 6.06LTS. Before my switch to Kubuntu, I used Ubuntu with the KDE packages and desktop, but I wanted to rebuild from the ground up @ 6.06, so I went straight for Kubuntu.

          Both Ubuntu and Kubuntu (and Xubuntu) are great operating systems. This is because they are in essence the same operating system, the key difference is the Window Manager in use. I prefer KDE and therefore Kubuntu is the most appropriate (*)Ubuntu for me.
          "Computers can figure out all kinds of problems, except the things in the world that just don't add up."  James Magary

