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Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

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    Help with installing pure-ftpd manager


    I'm trying to install pure ftp with this quide!

    When I try to run like it says it fails:
    Checking if config.php is writable Failed!
    I figuerd that I had to run my browser in sudo but it did't help.

    Any ideas?

    // Johan

    Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

    sudo chmod 777 /path/to/install.php
    Should work (don't know if my syntax is right though, could someone check? Also, by /path/to/install.php I don't mean, I mean the actual path, like /var/ftp/install.php, since I don't know if would work
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

      Hi! I get same error!


        Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

        Do you have a webserver? Did you download the package and install in the /var/www/? (or wherever) directory. Then did you notice that the directions didn't ask you to run It asked you to use a web browser to visit the link htttp://localhost/ftp/install.php ? A small, but possibly significant, distinction.


          Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

          Do you have a webserver?

          Then did you notice that the directions didn't ask you to run It asked you to use a web browser to visit the link htttp://localhost/ftp/install.php ? A small, but possibly significant, distinction.
          Didn't se that but it gave me the same error anyway!


            Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

            But did you install the put the package install.php file in directory called /ftp which was a child of the ROOT DIRECTORY OF YOUR WEBSERVER? e.g. /var/www/ftp/install.php where I am assuming that /var/www/ is the root of your webserver.


              Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

              But did you install the put the package install.php file in directory called /ftp which was a child of the ROOT DIRECTORY OF YOUR WEBSERVER?
              Yes, the path to install.php looks like this -> /disk1/www/ftp/install.php


                Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

                Have you checked the perms on the file? Sorry for asking silly questions, but the instructions LOOK straight forward. I'm exploring the possibility of a gross blunder that you might not otherwise look for because you're too sophisticated to do anything that silly. Otherwise, I can't see why it doesn't work.


                  Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

                  Sorry for asking silly questions, but the instructions LOOK straight forward. I'm exploring the possibility of a gross blunder that you might not otherwise look for because you're too sophisticated to do anything that silly.

                  Have you checked the perms on the file?
                  Ís there a console command to check that?

                  If I can't get this to work, can you recomend some other ftp-server?


                    Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

                    Ís there a console command to check that?
                    "ls -l <your file>".

                    Search Synaptic or Adept (if you must) for ftp servers that are packaged for (K)Ubuntu. A lot of people like vsftpd.


                      Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

                      "ls -l <your file>".
                      Is this correct?
                      -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 63012 2005-09-26 22:17 /disk1/www/ftp/install.php

                      A lot of people like vsftpd.


                        Re: Help with installing pure-ftpd manager

                        Your permissions are as permissive as they can be. Perhaps more permissive than they should be. Are you allowing anonymous ftp users to WRITE into your ftp directory? That would seem to be a significant security hole. I would have established an ftp group to which named ftp users belong (with write privileges) and anonymous users do not. Then I could set the perms to 775 instead of 777. This is not to say that you couldn't still wind up with a situation like the one we had a few days ago, with an evil registered user.

