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banshee out of control

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    banshee out of control

    banshee is out of control:
    I listen to music and podcasts on my ipod. I have my music separated into
    folders of the different kinds i.e.,classical, r&b, etc. I also have all my
    pod cast separated into different folders... but. Banshee puts it all
    where it wants to by mixing it altogether on the ipod.

    Am I stuck with this because Banshee is working with a database on the ipod or
    am I doing it all wrong and there is another way to keep things separated?

    Using Banshee

    Re: banshee out of control

    You do realize that Banshee was written using Mono, and that:
    After Novell was acquired by Attachmate in April 2011, Attachmate announced hundreds of layoffs for the Novell workforce, putting in questions the future of Mono.

    On May 16, Miguel de Icaza announced in his blog that Mono will be supported by Xamarin, a company he founded after being laid off from Novell. The original Mono team has also moved to the new company. Xamarin plans to keep working on Mono and also rewrite commercial .NET stacks for iOS and Android from scratch because Novell still owns MonoTouch and Mono for Android. After this announcement, the future of the project was questioned, MonoTouch and Mono for Android being in direct competition with the existing commercial offerings now owned by Attachmate, and considering that the Xamarin team would have difficulties proving that they did not use technologies they previously developed when they were employed by Novell for the same work.
    Then, there is a question about the future of .NET, which Mono is "supposed" to mimic. When a recent 10 minute video describing Win8 was released it stated that the development environment for Win8 would be HTML5 and javascripts. One .NET developer responded in the comment section of the SilverLight forum:
    Sorry, but your optimism seems unwarranted and my reaction isn't knee jerk. First, the shift in strategy. Then the pathetic first day keynote at Mix. Then a beta release that has almost none of the features that MICROSOFT developers are asking for. Then Ballmer down playing Silverlight. And now this. It has been clear for quite a while that the OS group avoids .NET. Why isn't Windows 8 a .NET only OS? Why isn't office 100% .NET at this point? .NET was introduced a decade ago. Microsoft used to eat its own dogfood, it's pathetic that the other divisions are lagging so far behind. And now they're going out of their way to hype up HTML5? At the very least that's yet another data point for people to present as evidence that Microsoft has no strong commitment to Silverlight. Seriously, would ANYONE be surprised if they sunset it tomorrow? I wouldn't be.

    HTML5 Microsoft isn't eating their own dogfood, they're eating their own vomit.
    Jack Bond
    As a former Windows developer who had his legs cut out from under him when MS announced that they were discontinuing Visual FoxPro, and were forced to put it on life support only after major protests erupted (that was the event that led me to switching to Qt4), I know how they are feeling. After Microsoft and Adventura combined to write the London Stock Exchange using .NET (and if ANYONE should be able to write fast and stable .NET code it should be Microsoft, who knows ALL of the undocumented entry points that enhance speed and stability), their efforts resulted in two major crashes of the LSE, the second one costing the LSE over $1 Billion dollars. The LSE switched to an app running on Linux which is 5 times faster.

    I can understand why Microsoft has moved away from .NET. That's why you should, too.

    The media has been so frank discussing the .NET support debacle that Microsoft's Channel 9 has sunk to calling them trolls for doing so. That's desperation. Criticism of MS was so infrequent and marginal that MS used to ignore these "trolls".

    One person on the SilverLight forum remarked:
    I am a .net developer. I write .net code for a living. I've been using MS products since I was 20, I'm now almost 45. I was an IT manager for over 20 years. Over the course of my career I've been responsible for millions of dollars of revenue for MS. As a developer I've stuck with MS because honestly I'm too old to change.
    I was 64 when I switched from Visual FoxPro, which I had learned five years earlier, to Qt3 & C++, which shortly became Qt 4.0, on June 28, 2005. I had toyed with C++ in the early 1980's with Turbo C++ 1.5 for Windows by decided it was not mature or productive enough to use as a tool to earn a living in my consulting business. Qt4 made C++ a viable option, and my client/employer thought so too. The first program I ever wrote using Qt4 AND C++ is called "Homestead" and is documented here.

    No one is "too old to change".
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: banshee out of control

      You're stuck because you're using an old version of Banshee. The later ones, which you can get via ppa, are much more bug-free. Look for Banshee ppa's on Launchpad.
      "The only way Kubuntu could be more user friendly would be if it came with a virtual copy of Snowhog and dibl"


        Re: banshee out of control

        Thanks de_koraco & GreyGeek for all the info.
        I'm working in launchpad right now for latest version.

