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Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows

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    Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows

    With all of the threads out there that discuss problems getting hardware working in Linux when it works in Windows -

    I wanted to mention that I have Soundblaster Audigy in my Dual-boot computer. On the Win7 side, streaming audio sounds like crap. Lots of popping, stuttering, etc. I've reinstalled the drivers, tweaked the settings, can't get it to sound any better.

    Boot over to the Kubuntu side, and it sounds awesome. Full rich sounds, and control over all the speakers. Even though Win7 has options to go to 5.1 sound, it never sends the music to the rears. Amarok talks full advantage of the card. On the Kubuntu side I haven't done any special tweaking other than installing whatever updates that come down the tubes.

    Re: Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows

    Ha ha. That's awesome! I've had that happen a few times also. All of my hardware is working great on Kubuntu 10.10. I don't really have any complaints about its driver support.


      Re: Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows


      Right on, your experience is similar to one I had not that long ago.

      I am curious what the differences are in the drivers, if any, and why we have experienced this with cards from soundblaster.

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        Re: Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows

        That's a good question. The motherboard's built in sound card sounded great in Windows, but crappy in Linux. So buying the separate card flipped it, and I don't know why. I could understand if windows had problems with some $5 card from China, but this is a sound blaster, which (should) be mainstream.

        And that is what I like (among other things) about linux. I didn't have to install separate drivers, then a bloated "media package" to get functionality out of the card.


          Re: Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows

          Usually, when I install a new piece of hardware, it works out of the box in Ubuntu because I researched it first. What aggravates me is when I try to install the same hardware on a computer running Windows I have to use the installation CD that came with the hardware, and it loads all kind of crap on the computer besides just the drivers. Sometimes you can use the Add New Hardware and browse the CD for the drivers, but that does not always work. The drivers are in a compressed file, and you must run the CD to install them.


            Re: Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows

            Originally posted by ScottyK
            With all of the threads out there that discuss problems getting hardware working in Linux when it works in Windows -

            I wanted to mention that I have Soundblaster Audigy in my Dual-boot computer. On the Win7 side, streaming audio sounds like crap. Lots of popping, stuttering, etc. I've reinstalled the drivers, tweaked the settings, can't get it to sound any better.

            Boot over to the Kubuntu side, and it sounds awesome. Full rich sounds, and control over all the speakers. Even though Win7 has options to go to 5.1 sound, it never sends the music to the rears. Amarok talks full advantage of the card. On the Kubuntu side I haven't done any special tweaking other than installing whatever updates that come down the tubes.

            Have you checked that you have the latest W7 driver?



              Re: Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows

              I find a lot of things work a lot nice in ubuntu/kubuntu than windows.
              My mouse (deathadder) works amazingly. All my usb drives are a lot smooth. My touchpad works better. Sound card a little better too.
              The only hardware issue I have is that I cant get HP printer working 100%. We have user based colour printing restrictions and I cant configure these in ubuntu/kubuntu. No big deal though I just vmware to a windows box on the rare (once every few weeks) occasion I need colour printing.


                Re: Hardware that works BETTER in Kubuntu than in Windows

                +1 @Detonate

                One of the best things about linux for me is not having to download or install a driver CD for every little thing I plug in to my computer.

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