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Ammunition reloading programs

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    Ammunition reloading programs

    I'm trying to find a Linux-native OSS program for reloading, similar to PointBlank:

    or Shooting Lab:

    Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.

    Re: Ammunition reloading programs

    All I did was a google search on "ballistics apps for linux", and I found these:

    I have no idea if the following program (last updated in 2005) will fit your needs or not:
    It's a tar file. Do you know how to install an app from a tar file?

    Here is ballistics-1.3.0

    Here is saballistics-1.3.3

    Here is tkballistic-1.3

    One of these apps might work:

    This thread may offer help:

    This site offers an online ballistics simulator AND a desktop program that works on Linux. At $40 it is not free, but it has all the features that you apparently want, and then some.

    You can also try some of the free or $$$ Windows apps under WINE, but that is a hit and miss deal.

    (If you are into crossbows there's a Linux app for it here.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Ammunition reloading programs

      Originally posted by GreyGeek
      All I did was a google search on "ballistics apps for linux", and I found these:

      I have no idea if the following program (last updated in 2005) will fit your needs or not:
      It's a tar file. Do you know how to install an app from a tar file?

      Here is ballistics-1.3.0

      Here is saballistics-1.3.3

      Here is tkballistic-1.3

      One of these apps might work:

      This thread may offer help:

      This site offers an online ballistics simulator AND a desktop program that works on Linux. At $40 it is not free, but it has all the features that you apparently want, and then some.

      You can also try some of the free or $$$ Windows apps under WINE, but that is a hit and miss deal.

      (If you are into crossbows there's a Linux app for it here.
      Thanks GreyGeek, but that's not really what I'm looking for. It's true that these programs do the external ballistics functions the windows programs I cited, but what I'm really after is the ability to download and import manufacturer data on powders, bullets and primers, and calculate what's required to achieve specific ballistic characteristics in reloaded ammo. I believe the term manufacturers and reloaders use is "internal ballistics." I'd also like a log function where I can catalog the characteristics of various reload combinations I've tried. I found this earlier post on this forum where you replied to another poster asking a similar question (but he knew the terminology to use):;wap2

      There's a program mentioned there called Quickload that is exactly what I'm looking for - only I desire Linux-native. Thanks ton for your effort!


        Re: Ammunition reloading programs

        My 70 year old brain is undergoing a partial meltdown, but if memory serves me correctly didn't you drop by this forum about a year ago and ask the same question? (Could be false memories ... I'm having lots of those lately )
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Ammunition reloading programs

          Originally posted by GreyGeek
          My 70 year old brain is undergoing a partial meltdown, but if memory serves me correctly didn't you drop by this forum about a year ago and ask the same question? (Could be false memories ... I'm having lots of those lately )
          That wasn't me, but I found the post (linked in my earlier response above).


            Re: Ammunition reloading programs

            Drats! Who knows how many neurons that memory malfunction was the result of.
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: Ammunition reloading programs

              This isn't a program but it is a searchable .pdf


              Here is a discussion of "Quickload" that says it runs under Wine, but that is not "native" of course.


              so are you into the holy black? Cowboy Action?



                Re: Ammunition reloading programs

                Originally posted by woodsmoke
                This isn't a program but it is a searchable .pdf


                Here is a discussion of "Quickload" that says it runs under Wine, but that is not "native" of course.


                so are you into the holy black? Cowboy Action?

                Thanks for the info, woodsmoke! I could live with Quickload under Wine, but it sure is too bad no one in the OSS community sees value in producing a native app like that for Linux. I realize it's a low-volume proposition, but a coder who would produced something like that would be a hero.

                I'm into tactical and combat shooting with large caliber (.40 S&W, .45, 10mm) semi-auto pistols, and semi-auto rifles and shotguns. It's the cost of 10mm ammo that's pushing me into reloading.


                  Re: Ammunition reloading programs

                  I've done Wild Bunch as a "side match" with a 1911 but I generally stick with .357 because I have to be typing on the computer entering grades for the college the same weekend!

                  I 'member one time when one of the very first .44 mags showed up in our area, we were in a hunting / fishing club and people were sighting in their guns and a guy had brought the thing and it hefted very much like a plain 45. Well, the conservation commission guy came by to check everybody's liscences, which we all had, and a guy offered to let him shoot his new .45.

                  He just handed it to the officer and the guy pointed it at the target and let loose and ....

                  He had one of those "county mountie" hats on...with the really hard flat brim...

                  After he got up off the ground, after the gun's hammer hit him in the forehead, he was most irritated about how the brim of his hat had been runined!

                  But he took it ok, he was a fine fellow and a friend of everybody...but the guy had no clue that what happened would happen!!

                  He bought him a new hat!

                  So...have you won any contests or such?



                    Re: Ammunition reloading programs

                    When I was in grad school one of my classmates got interested in high powered pistols after seeing one in a movie. He bought a .44 magnum long barrel sixshooter. The first time he shot off a round it broke his wrist. He took a lot of kidding, so he went out on the range to prove he could shoot it and promptly broke his other wrist. Two shots. two broken wrists!

                    I used to own two M-1's, a Reuger pistol, an 1887 Stevens hexagonal falling block .22, a 1758 flintlock with the stamp of the British Royal Armory (never fired it), a .410 and two 12 gauge shot guns. I always reloaded my ammo. One of the M-1 I converted to automatic fire. A week before I went off to college I loaded and shot 400 rounds of M-1 ammo. I gave my collection to my brother to keep until after college. He sold them all for cash. Later in life I took up bow hunting. While in a tree stand on my first hunt I watched a Deer approach within 15 feet of the tree and forgot to shoot. At that range I could see into its eyes and we made eye to eye contact. I swapped the bow for a camera and haven't shot anything since.
                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: Ammunition reloading programs

                      Sounds like a very estimable tradeoff continue to be a person of complex surprises.



                        Re: Ammunition reloading programs (update)

                        Originally posted by gnerdman
                        Originally posted by woodsmoke
                        This isn't a program but it is a searchable .pdf


                        Here is a discussion of "Quickload" that says it runs under Wine, but that is not "native" of course.


                        so are you into the holy black? Cowboy Action?

                        Thanks for the info, woodsmoke! I could live with Quickload under Wine, but it sure is too bad no one in the OSS community sees value in producing a native app like that for Linux. I realize it's a low-volume proposition, but a coder who would produced something like that would be a hero.

                        I'm into tactical and combat shooting with large caliber (.40 S&W, .45, 10mm) semi-auto pistols, and semi-auto rifles and shotguns. It's the cost of 10mm ammo that's pushing me into reloading.
                        I downloaded the QuickLOAD demo ISO and was able to install and run it under Wine. Based on that experience, I ordered the full program. The full version is provided on a CD. I want the program on my netbook so I can have it with me in the garage when I'm reloading. When I attempted to load it on my netbook via the USB CD-ROM drive it failed. After some investigation I discovered it's because Wine doesn't have access to USB devices. So I tried some other methods, detailed below:

                        1) dd'd the CD image to an ISO, mounted loop and attempted install. The installation program failed with an error something like (don't have the text in front of me), "The program must be run from a CD-ROM drive. c:\windows\setup.lst"

                        2) Loaded the CD in my desktop CD-ROM drive, exported my netbook's .wine directory via NFS to my desktop, and attempted install from the desktop. It appeared to install, but since I was just exporting and mounting the netbook's .wine directory, I passed on having the desktop icons created. I figured I could do that manually on the netbook. However, when I ran the program through Wine via CLI, it errored with being "unable to find the language file." Never was able to figure that out, I suspect since the installation wasn't run on the netbook, an account update of some kind was missing.

                        Next I'll try loading the CD in my desktop CD-ROM drive and exporting it to the netbook via NFS, and mounting the export on the netbook. I expect it to fail again, since that would also be a mounted filesystem (like step 1 above). In the mean time, I'll try to figure out a way to make the netbook think the exported desktop CD-ROM drive is a local device. Maybe some creative symbolic linking? Samba share the cd-rom drive? Anyone have an idea how to accomplish that?

                        Anyway, I suspect there's a CD-ROM drive requirement hard-coded into the setup.exe on the CD that's subverting my installation attempts. I emailed Neconos earlier this morning and asked for a work-around, we'll see what they say. I don't anticipate a lot of cooperation, but maybe they'll surprise me. :-)


                          Re: Ammunition reloading programs

                          If you get the thing done, I really do think that the mods should somehow try to "promote" this thread so that other folks who do a search would end up here. I think that you will have the most comprehensive answer on the net for folks who would be looking. And...maybe one of them would then install Kubu!



                            Re: Ammunition reloading programs

                            Originally posted by woodsmoke
                            If you get the thing done, I really do think that the mods should somehow try to "promote" this thread so that other folks who do a search would end up here. I think that you will have the most comprehensive answer on the net for folks who would be looking. And...maybe one of them would then install Kubu!

                            This looks like it has potential:


                            I'll try it when I get home tonight and post back with the results.


                              Re: Ammunition reloading programs

                              Originally posted by gnerdman
                              Originally posted by woodsmoke
                              If you get the thing done, I really do think that the mods should somehow try to "promote" this thread so that other folks who do a search would end up here. I think that you will have the most comprehensive answer on the net for folks who would be looking. And...maybe one of them would then install Kubu!

                              This looks like it has potential:


                              I'll try it when I get home tonight and post back with the results.
                              The directions at the end of the link above work to make the mounted ISO a cdrom drive in Wine. So to sum up for installing QuickLOAD under Wine on a netbook running (K)Ubuntu - from a console (root operations are marked [root], user operations are marked [user]):
                              • 1) Insert the CD in the USB cdrom drive and mount it.

                              [root] mount [-t iso9660] /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom
                              • 2) dd the contents of the cdrom to an ISO file

                              [root] dd if=/media/cdrom of=/tmp/quickload.iso
                              • 3) mount the ISO as a loop device (create a mount point if necessary)

                              [root] [mkdir /media/iso]
                              [root] mount -o loop /tmp/quickload.iso /media/iso
                              • 4) Make the loop mount a Wine cdrom drive

                              [user] winecfg
                              Select the "Drives" tab, click "Add", select a drive letter, type of "CD-ROM" and browse to /media/iso - click "Ok"
                              • 5) Run the installer in Wine

                              [user] cd /media/iso
                              [user] wine SETUP.EXE
                              Follow the prompts

                              This is all from memory, so if I missed something (or just totally screwed it up) you can PM me or post to this thread. This should work for any windows program that runs into the trouble I described earlier. Hope it proves useful.

