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    If HP is very successful with their webOS and Linux becomes a viable threat to Micro$oft, Do you think that's good for Linux?
    Dell Inspiron 531/AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 4GB RAM/GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
    Kubuntu 16.04
    "I have a problem with the fact that they just make really 3rd rate products." Steve Jobs on Microsoft. From “Triumph of the Nerds"

    Re: webOS

    You bet!

    Although I think Google Chrome will be more successful. But both are having a smart approach to bit MS: avoid their monopolistic grip in their own turf: the stand alone PC. Both WebOS and ChromeOS propose a thing client to the cloud. Brilliant.

    In any case, I love to see new computers with Linux preinstalled out there. I always vote with my walltet: my last 3 laptops (an eeepc and 2 dells) all were bought with some version on linux, and so did our current phones (android). I am hoping I can keep buying hardware with no MS tax, but dell is only selling a few computers, mostly in the small business section. Having some other options would be great. I think laptops with Chrome OS and Web OS will be a good alternative to avoid the MS tax ...


      Re: webOS

      I wouldn't put it past HP to start polluting webOS with spyware/adware. I trust Google much more than HP.
      Dell Inspiron 531/AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ 4GB RAM/GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
      Kubuntu 16.04
      "I have a problem with the fact that they just make really 3rd rate products." Steve Jobs on Microsoft. From “Triumph of the Nerds"


        Re: webOS

        Well, they have been very good at supporting printing in Linux via Open Source

        Linux has, right now, taken over a big chunk of the computing world. We have a leading role in:

        * servers
        * high performance computing
        * embedded
        * smart phones

        Tablets are dominated by apple, and the big home PC and Laptop market is still monopolized by Windows, despite the fact that one can perfectly run a linux solution these days, on a PC or Laptop, and it is actually better than Windows in many ways. So, both Google and HP are trying something really smart: PC's and Lappies as interfaces to the web. Microsoft is dead in that turf.

        Now, why are we not embracing that effort from the traditional linux camp. Ubuntu run Google Chrome and Android apps natively. That would be a big selling point for the *buntus: Android on steroids


          Re: webOS

          I agree that it would be a leap forward, but I'm not that happy with cloud computing per se. In the end it all comes down to control the cloud, I'm sceptic about microsoft for sure, but I'm equal sceptic regarding most high rollers in the industry (google too which I use too frequent). I don't see how moving the windows hegemony to another plattform will help 'free' in my standards. Most companies try to convince you that the cloudcomputing is heaven, I'm not certain about that. Maybe I'm just cynic

          what if we get 'free' (beer) in the clouds and the clouds ain't heaven.

          gosh - I am cynic
          ASUS M4A87TD | AMD Ph II x6 | 12 GB ram | MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti (448 Cuda cores)
          Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.9.x (x86_64) - Debian "Squeeze" KDE 4.(5x) (x86_64)
          Acer TimelineX 4820 TG | intel i3 | 4 GB ram| ATI Radeon HD 5600
          Kubuntu 12.10 KDE 4.10 (x86_64) - OpenSUSE 12.3 KDE 4.10 (x86_64)
          - Officially free from windoze since 11 dec 2009
          >>>>>>>>>>>> Support KFN <<<<<<<<<<<<<


            Re: webOS

            Originally posted by Jonas

            what if we get 'free' (beer) in the clouds and the clouds ain't heaven.
            Wait, wait -- I need to write that one down!


              Re: webOS

              Jonas, I am with you on that. So is the Free Software Foundation. Gosh, I don't even have a Facebook account, because of distrust of the cloud.

              But I do think that there is a need, today, for very light clients that basically boot up and connect you to the net. It would be a shame to miss out on that opportunity because we are too slow to react. Linux is the perfect platform for that, and both Google and HP have realized that. Jolicould did, too, to be honest.


                Re: webOS

                Originally posted by dibl
                Originally posted by Jonas

                what if we get 'free' (beer) in the clouds and the clouds ain't heaven.
                Wait, wait -- I need to write that one down!
                lol dibl!


                  Re: webOS

                  I wonder whether "meetings" will take place and some of these machines will quietly become dual-boot affairs (sabre-rattling about patents etc).

                  On a related note, Splashtop has recently been released for general download, for a limited number of machines (interestingly all HP!).


                    Re: webOS

                    Ironically, the installer for splashtop only runs in Windows, and it includes a direct, prominent link to MS's Bing ... probably a result of certain "meetings", yes


                      Re: webOS

                      Yep, and that strikes a nerve with me. The number of companies that are quite happy to use linux in their appliances (TomTom and Sony being 2 examples) and yet who refuse to support (or are even hostile to) the Linux community is a source of irritation to me. My boycott list gets longer all the time.


                        Re: webOS

                        I don't want to take this too far off topic or put too fine a point on it but this seems relevant at this point:


                          Re: webOS

                          Another possible step aside, but what is about Linuxes which already exist as cloud-oriented? Like xPUD?

