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Can it be used with eMachine ?

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    Can it be used with eMachine ?

    Ive tried searching for this + seems that nobody has yet asked IF its available for any other PC besides those 3 - then - when will it be ?

    + do we need to unInstall windows XP SP2 before dwnlding ?

    Ive got eMachine 325 Celeron D  with 2.53 GHz - 40 GB hard drive - 256 MB RAM - 29 MB avail physical - 2 GB  - 1.96 GB avail virtual  memory

    Re: Can it be used with eMachine ?

    What's "those 3"? What are you talking about?

    You don't need to uninstall Windows XP before downloading Kubuntu. Read more here:

    I think eMachines are pretty good. I have two eMachines, and they both work well with Ubuntu.
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Can it be used with eMachine ?

      Originally posted by minnow
      Ive tried searching for this + seems that nobody has yet asked IF its available for any other PC besides those 3 - then - when will it be ?

      + do we need to unInstall windows XP SP2 before dwnlding ?

      Ive got eMachine 325 Celeron D with 2.53 GHz - 40 GB hard drive - 256 MB RAM - 29 MB avail physical - 2 GB - 1.96 GB avail virtual memory
      If by those 3 you mean amd64, i386, and mac, then download the i386 version, a celeron D is an i386 processor.
      <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(

