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Curious about Java

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    Curious about Java

    I was tooling around on the internet, and (as I am not a programmer, simply a linux enthusiast) found something called Apache Harmony Java. Apparently they have a JRE and I was curious if anyone has tried it on Kubuntu, or any distro for that matter, and if so how it stacks up to Suns proprietary jre and the openjdk.

    Re: Curious about Java

    It is a cleaner implementation of Java than openJDK, which still has links to defunct Sun web pages. Less likely to run into Oracle threats using it than openJDK.

    But, for program glue I prefer Python. To learn programming I'd recommend qt-sdk (in the repository), which includes the Qt4-Designer, Qt4-Assistant, Qt4-Linguist and other Qt4 tools and executables, demos, examples and VERY EXTENSIVE documentation. KDE4 was built using Qt4 & C++. There is a Qt Forum visited by Qt folks called QtCentre. A video showing how to create a simple "Hello World" app using QtCreator (which is in the sdk) is here.

    Here is a video showing a slightly more complicated app:
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: Curious about Java


      Ok, some more newbie questions Say I decided to use it in kubuntu as my default jre instead of sun or openjdk just for experimentation. How would it run? Ive looked around on the internet but dont seem to find much info about it, but didnt want to start fiddling around and break my system, trying to set up kubuntu as my primary os, and I dont know much about virtualization.

      And on a more political note, I heard about it because I stumbled upon an article saying IBM isnt going to back harmony anymore. Could that spell problems for java on whole?


        Re: Curious about Java

        Originally posted by cphayes0882
        Ok, some more newbie questions Say I decided to use it in kubuntu as my default jre instead of sun or openjdk just for experimentation. How would it run? Ive looked around on the internet but dont seem to find much info about it, but didnt want to start fiddling around and break my system, trying to set up kubuntu as my primary os, and I dont know much about virtualization.
        For the most part all you have to do is install it. The appropriate libraries and menu entries will be made and services set up so they will automatically be available when called by apps. In cases when you download a java application (app.jar) you would open a konsole and issue "java -jar app.jar" and it will run.
        And on a more political note, I heard about it because I stumbled upon an article saying IBM isnt going to back harmony anymore. Could that spell problems for java on whole?
        Harmony may miss IBM's money (IF they are getting any, I am only supposing that they are), otherwise they'll continue on as they have been. OpenJDK will, eventually, clean up their act and break all connections (URL and otherwise) with Oracle (and defunct Sun sites). So, I suspect that by the end of the first quarter of next year OpenJDK will be a suitable alternative to Oracle's Java. I have NO doubt that Larry Ellison is doing his best to finagle a way to extract license fees from OJava's use so, sooner or later, it will disappear from the distro repositories.
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

