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Gallium3d driver

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    Gallium3d driver

    how do i get and install the gallium3d driver?

    Re: Gallium3d driver

    Easy, but please beware that it is still experimental. I am actively using it on my maverick 10.10 installation, so far it proved stable and usable (on an ATI Radeon X1K card with xorg-radeon drivers) And I suggest you to read the note in the below ppa before you install anything. I accept no responsibility

    This is for Lucid And Maverick only.

    1. In any case something goes wrong, you'll probably want to retreive your old/stable system. So, first install the ppa-purge.

    sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
    2. If you don't have already installed mesa-utils, then install them.

    sudo apt-get install mesa-utils
    3 - Add Xorg crack ppa to your repositories, where you can get experimental gallium driver and read the page notice here:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
    4. Do update and upgrade.
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    5. If everything went right, then Install the Gallium package:

    sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental
    6. Restart your X server (or computer) and check if gallium drivers autamatically loaded:
    glxinfo | grep OpenGL
    You should get a "renderer string" stating that a gallium driver is in use. If not, you have to set variable manually in console type:

    export LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH="/usr/lib/dri/gallium"
    Do the OpenGL check (step 6) again to see if it is working.

    İf anything goes wrong, remove the xorg edgers repository using ppa purge.
    sudo ppa-purge ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa



      Re: Gallium3d driver

      thanks alot. i'm using mearkat temporarily till final release, think this might work in it?


        Re: Gallium3d driver

        I installed as recommended above, and it seems to be working. But 3d rendering is very slow. Is there some entry that should go in the xorg.conf file to control or optimize the gallium driver?

        (I do find that nouveau works better with an xorg.conf)

        We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


          Re: Gallium3d driver

          ok problem, when i type glxinfo | grep OpenGL and press enter, it does not do anything except go to the next line command line waiting to type something

          so i type export LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH="/usr//lib/dri/gallium" and it does the same thing, just goes down showing my user name ***:~$ waiting for command.

          so i have no clue if its working or i need to install opengl first? video drivers?
          its all default install, i have no idea what all i'm supposed to do initially after an install but in windows i usually have to update some of the drivers.

          i'm gonna try to test out a direct3d game and see what happens


            Re: Gallium3d driver

            Originally posted by f1refly
            so i type export LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH="/usr//lib/dri/gallium" and it does the same thing, just goes down showing my user name ***:~$ waiting for command.
            If you typed exactly what you show above, the // isn't correct; there should only be one /.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Re: Gallium3d driver

              The incorrect path appears in the description of 'the xorg-edgers fresh X crack' PPA as well ( - under section: == New in Mesa - 08/30/2010 ==), and it's been repeated in many threads on various forums. I have opened bugzilla entry for that on launchpad (#656202):


                Re: Gallium3d driver

                It's been corrected now ..


                  Re: Gallium3d driver

                  Originally posted by trapDoor
                  It's been corrected now ..
                  I've fixed the path on my first post too, so this how-to guide () should be usable.



                    Re: Gallium3d driver

                    Originally posted by oblivion

                    I've fixed the path on my first post too, so this how-to guide () should be usable.


                    That double slash may be irrelevant though. Tormod Volden (the owner of that PPA) in his response says:
                    'Thanks, fixed. Anyway, it works with the extra slashes also.'

                    Hm.. dunno

                    Regarding your how-to, just a little suggestion:
                    instead of: glxinfo | grep OpenGL
                    I'd type: glxinfo | grep -i opengl

                    I think it's easier to type, you don't need to bother about capitalisations (option '-i' in grep is for case insensitivity) and you are assured that it'll show you all occurrences of the string you look for regardless if there any capital letters or not.

