jerry@sonyvgnfw140e:~$ firefox
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ [/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32]
no talloc stackframe around, leaking memory
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ [/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32]
no talloc stackframe around, leaking memory
The BP website has a listing of 12 video streams one can use to watch what is going on at the Deep Horizon well head. About a week ago BP changed the layout of that page so that instead of having to click on links to open a video all 12 videos were displayed in live thumbnail fashion, with a link underneath each if one wanted to watch any of them in a bigger format. My FireFox installation worked well with the new format on that page.
On July 12 an automatic update of ia32-libs was installed. Since that update the BP video stream page always crashes FireFox. Removing all of FireFox and its related apps and plugings and reinstalling them did not help.
Please try out that page with FireFox IF you are running the 64bit Kubuntu 10.4 with the July 12th updates and let me know what happened. Thanks.