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weird network issues

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    weird network issues

    hey guys, me again, forgive the newbie?
    anyways, i've been using kubuntu for a few days now and i've been on the internet after installing the wifi driver and such, and internets been working fine. so i come home today and my network managers disabled, i can't access my internet or wifi options, wired or wireless, doesn't work. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver and i can't figure out whats going

    Re: weird network issues

    I haven't fooled much with wireless, but I'm fairly comfortable with wired. Anyway, to kick things off here, we need something to go on. Type "ifconfig" in a terminal and tell us what it says.

    Also, somewhere on this forum is an excellent mini-how-to by member Detonate. Give that a boo.

    Edit: That how-to is also a link in one of the best resources here. Member dibl has a link in his signature which goes like this.


      Re: weird network issues

      Sometimes it is just a simple matter of rebooting your router.


        Re: weird network issues

        link encap: local loopback
        inet addr: mask:
        inet6 addr: ::1/128 scrope:host
        up loopback running.

        so basically my network card works, but i can't access any network, wired or wireless. and when i click on the network manager, it says network managent disabled, and i can't get it to turn back on/enable


          Re: weird network issues

          I don't see your network card. Try

          ifconfig -a
          and post the results.


            Re: weird network issues

            link encap:Ethernet (eth0)
            broadcast multicast mtu:1500 metric: 1
            rx packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped :0 overrun:0 frame:0
            tx packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped:0 overrun:0 carriers:0
            collisions: 0 txqeuelen:1000
            rx bytes:0 (0.0 B) Tx bytes:0 (0.0 B)
            interrupt: 16

            link encap:Ethernet (Wlan0)
            broadcast multicast mtu:1500 metric: 1
            rx packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped :0 overrun:0 frame:0
            tx packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped:0 overrun:0 carriers:0
            collisions: 0 txqeuelen:1000
            rx bytes:0 (0.0 B) Tx bytes:0 (0.0 B)
            interrupt: 17 memory:f8000000-f8004000


              Re: weird network issues

              Wlan0 is your wireless. It is present but not active.

              eth0 is your wired connection, and it is also present but not active.

              I can help you get the wire connection working, but I am out of my comfort zone with wireless. Do you want to try the wired connection? If so, once we get your connected, you could install a program called wicd which should handle your wireless problems. It is a replacement for network-manager that experience has shown to be much more reliable and less problematic.


                Re: weird network issues

                sure, sounds awesome


                  Re: weird network issues

                  OK. go to this thread and read the instructions very carefully. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.



                    Re: weird network issues

                    i followed the directions and got everything configured the way it stated, and when i went to restart the networking, it reports back on all ports and intervals "DHPCDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval *" and my network manager still won't start, it does have a message below those, they say "no DHCPOFFERS recieved. no working leases in persistent database - sleeping". thanks for all the help ^_^


                      Re: weird network issues

                      Run in a terminal
                      cat /etc/network/interfaces
                      and post the results.


                        Re: weird network issues

                        oh yeah, forgot to post lol, sorry about that, i got my ethernet working through the previous commands, it just says that my network manager is disabled no matter what, so i'm reading up on wicd right now. thank you very much for all your help


                          Re: weird network issues

                          If you used my instructions, you don't have network-manger. You now are the network manager. Glad you got it working.


                            Re: weird network issues

                            Let me tell you what happen, Thats a bug in Kubuntu 10.04 hasn't fix yet.... and when you turn off your computer by force, Not doing a normal shutdown, The Network manager goes disable, I dont know why but its a bug, Normally happens when you put your computer in Hibernation, sleep mode or forced shutdown...

                            to fix it you have yo do in terminal

                            kdesu kate /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state

                            change WirelessEnabled=false to WirelessEnabled=true

                            then sudo restart network-manager

                            and done.

                            you can try this too

                            sudo sed -i s/false/true/ /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state
                            sudo restart network-manager

                            and DOOONEEE!!!!

                            READ THIS


                              Re: weird network issues

                              davolc: Let me tell you what happen, That's a bug in Kubuntu 10.04 hasn't fix yet....
                              It also happens when you delete the network manager, which in turn will prevent you from changing it's configuration.
                              I think you missed reply #8.

