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I want Kubuntu GONE!

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    I want Kubuntu GONE!

    Well... Recently i have come to some great complications using kubuntu and now i am fed up! So i tried booting my computer starting with the cd drive with windows vista that i want on my computer and it goes straight to kubuntu's loading screen. I have tried disabling all but my cd drive and still nothing.... I just want kubuntu gone.... it's not for my type of OS. I need help formatting my hard drive and installing vista, nothing else, Just Vista

    Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

    What, Vista can't format a hard drive Sounds like a post for a windoze forum...

    good luck

    Please Read Me


      Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

      Yeah... neither does windows 7 or xp, im cranky lol and i mean the disk doesn't even boot.(the windows cds)


        Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

        can you boot eney bootable cd?

        at some point you could as you did install kubuntu but did you change the BIOS back to boot the HD first?

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

          yeah i put the bios back to HD, back and forth... and every bootable disk i tried hasn't worked with the exception of... Kubuntu =D.


            Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

            Originally posted by Rantheral
            yeah i put the bios back to HD, back and forth... and every bootable disk i tried hasn't worked with the exception of... Kubuntu =D.
            So the only CD you can boot is Kubuntu? This makes no sense at all. If the Windows CD won't boot then I think something is wrong here that has nothing to do with Kubuntu at all. Here are the possibilities as I see it:
            • Your computer is not properly set to boot from CD, as Vinny said. When you boot with the Kubuntu CD inserted in the computer, you are actually booting Kubuntu from the computer's internal hard disk.
            • The Windows CD is damaged in some way which causes the computer's BIOS to reject it as a valid boot medium. Is it a legitimate and original Windows CD, or a pirated copy?
            • You are trolling and stinking up our forum with your foul breath. Seems likely given the tone and lack of useful information in your OP.

            If you want Kubuntu gone so badly, then download the GParted CD and use it to delete the partitions on your computer's primary boot drive. Before doing so, please note that this will erase all your data and files on your primary boot drive. After that, it is up to you to install Windows.
            Welcome newbies!
            Verify the ISO
            Kubuntu's documentation


              Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

              Okay i will try GParted butI tried this version of linux because my brother Praises linux. Kubuntu is great and all but its not useful for what I do. So hopefully it works cause its the only computer that belongs to me in my household and i don't want to use theirs.

              Edit: and yes i am using a valid version of windows.


                Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

                I don't understand your need to keep bashing Kubuntu, in a Kubuntu forum, while your only problem is with your computer not loading a Windows Vista install CD. It has nothing to do with Kubuntu.

                You need to contact Microsoft for support with this issue.

                Good luck!


                  Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

                  AND, he's double posting, linking back to this topic.
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

                    Originally posted by Rantheral

                    the disk doesn't even boot.(the windows cds)
                    Did you set the computer's BIOS boot sequence to boot the optical drive first? Just a thought ...


                      Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

                      Originally posted by lmilano
                      You need to contact Microsoft for support with this issue.
                      Made my day
                      Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


                        Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

                        Sounds like, as most others have stated, it's a. A Windows problem (what a surprise) or a BIOS/Hardware problem. Stick a CD into your computer and see if it plays/runs. If yes, then prolly not the optical drive. Like stated before, could be a BIOS problem. But, IMHO, more than likely is a Windows boot problem. Are you using the recovery CD that came with your computer or a Windows Vista CD (with no driver/hardware support). If it is the later, Vista may not be recognizing the optical drive/boot menu.
                        AMD 64 Turon X-2, 4GB RAM, Kubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit


                          Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

                          Well i'm not saying kubuntu is a POS but its not useful to me but i found a way that worked. Ubuntu was able to boot after 3 tries and i used ubuntu to set the HD format to ntfs format which allowed windows disk to boot, so in a way Ubuntu was useful to me. As my bro says, Ubuntu is better than kubuntu.

                          P.S. The windows forums i tried couldn't even help me and i used ubuntu in the mode to just try it without doing any changes. Also i dont see what the problem is double posting in another section because not everyone looks at software support.

                          Partition manager FTW


                            Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

                            Originally posted by Rantheral
                            Well i'm not saying kubuntu is a POS but its not useful to me but i found a way that worked. Ubuntu was able to boot after 3 tries and i used ubuntu to set the HD format to ntfs format which allowed windows disk to boot, so in a way Ubuntu was useful to me. As my bro says, Ubuntu is better than kubuntu.

                            P.S. The windows forums i tried couldn't even help me and i used ubuntu in the mode to just try it without doing any changes. Also i dont see what the problem is double posting in another section because not everyone looks at software support.

                            Partition manager FTW
                            your realey not making mutch sence.

                            the Kubuntu cd or the Gparted cd could have done the partitioning and reformating for you and the windows forum should have told you that!!

                            and the vista cd should have booted regardless of how your HD was formated and given you the option of reformating it ? fact insisted on it ??

                            but I'm glad you got it sorted out


                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              Re: I want Kubuntu GONE!

                              Originally posted by Rantheral
                              Ubuntu was able to boot after 3 tries
                              This is somewhat revealing. Either the disc was burned on a failing burner, or even more likely the optical drive you are trying to boot from is failiing. Were there any errors when you burned the copy of Windoze you downloaded?

                              i used ubuntu to set the HD format to ntfs format which allowed windows
                              Is Micro$oft so clever that now they make Windoze CDs fail to boot if you have any non-M$ OS on your HD? This is news to me. In the old days the M$ install program would just erase your non-M$ OS or else overwrite the boot sector to prevent it from starting. Wow, that's progress! (You really don't have a clue how a computer boots, do you?)

                              Also i dont see what the problem is double posting in another section because not everyone looks at software support.
                              Just because you didn't pay for the resources necessary to run this forum, or even the time spent to reply to your help request, doesn't mean that there is no cost associated with it. Everyone here is an unpaid volunteer, and we do this in the spirit of giving and sharing.
                              Welcome newbies!
                              Verify the ISO
                              Kubuntu's documentation

