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Flash fights back!

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    Flash fights back!

    I have seen recently 2 instances where UK Broadcasters appear to have ditched Microsoft technologies and instead using flash. Whether one likes flash or not (I have no strong views myself) at least it is something all of us here can use, so I see this as good news:

    ITV player was silverlight and is now flash. BTW it never worked on Moonlight so far as I was able to tell. Also (a niche one here) is that Living TV (a Virgin Media Company) have switched their "most haunted live" webcams from WMP to flash, achieving a massive improvement in quality in the process. One less reason for me to have to fire up the XP virtual Machine

    Well done to these broadcasters for starting to use technology that, whilst it may not be free in the stallman sense, at least everyone can legally use.

    Re: Flash fights back!

    Hear hear!

