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Grub Question

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    Grub Question

    OK so I already have a 160 gb drive that has windows and kubuntu on it. I just got my hands on a 30GB hd (un-formatted) and was feeling the need to try this new xubuntu. Heres the question: How do I tell the xubuntu not to install grub (cause the 160 is still the boot drive and it has grub on it) but still be able to boot into all three from grub??

    Any help is much appreciated :-)

    Re: Grub Question

    You will have fun to do it, and I'm not sure how to do it, you should choose not to install grub at all during install and then modify the original grub file to boot on this partition with the kernel you've installed (not really easy on first times, after it's easier)
    BTW why are you not install xubuntu-desktop to your kubuntu which will allow you to start xfce directly for your main config, just up to you... Usually I'm doing like this to try all window managers.



      Re: Grub Question

      Yeai tried xubuntu-desktop, lol, the only problem was that i couldnt tell how to boot into it (normally its in the menu and such but xubuntu wasnt just KDE, ubuntu, and xfce). Also it uninstalled a bunch of stuff for kubuntu so that wasnt


        Re: Grub Question

        When you install xubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop over Kubuntu, you log into it through the "Sessions" option in the login screen. Click on that and you will be given the options "Default", "KDE", "Xfce" or "GNOME" (depends on which you installed), and "Failsafe". Choosing Xfce (or GNOME) will log you into Xubuntu (or Ubuntu).

        In the Desktop CD (Live CD) installer, there is currently no way to tell the installer not to install GRUB. This could only be possible using the Alternate Install CD.
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: Grub Question

          Ahh the xfce is xubuntu... Lol thanks, and do you know a way to not have xubuntu uninstall gaim beta 2 because it keeps installing gaim 1.5 every time i try to get xubuntu-desktop??

