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Why did Sound QUIT in Tuxkart???

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    Why did Sound QUIT in Tuxkart???

    Hi everyone. I'm new here on these Forums, but not to Linux or Ubuntu as a whole.
    With that said I have Sort of a STRANGE question as you can tell by the Title.

    I've run Ubuntu and a few other Flavours of Linux.
    I like the KDE look and feel the Best so when I found Kubuntu and Dapper was Released I decided to give it a try. And I Love it.. I think Kubuntu is by far the Best of Both Worlds being Ubuntu Based with KDE as it's Desktop.

    I've run Tuxkart my favorite of all Tux games in Ubuntu with KDE installed, as well as with the Default Gnome Desktop as well, Tuxkart ran without a Hitch although I may have done a little Tweaking here or there to get it to work in Gnome.

    When I first installed it after doing a Complete "CLEAN" install of Kubuntu Dapper, at first it didn't have any sound, BUT it Played fine, It was late so I didn't fool with it, I figured I mess with it the next day.
    The next day I tried it and it had Sound so I figured GREAT what Luck, after that it worked flawless for a few days, Until....
    I was in adept and some Upgrades came up, One of them said Tuxkart needed an Upgrade called "vera data files" in order to run, So I figured what the hey let it do it, Even though Tuxkart was runnin fine, I thought maybe they had added some New Tracks or something... Boy weas I ever WRONG >

    After the upgrades I went in to play Tuxkart and it no longer had any sound?

    I tried to find the SO CALLED 'vera data files' in Adept to remove them they Disappeared.
    i can't find them No Place

    I tried uninstalling, Rebooting, then reinstalling Tuxkart, NO SOAP still no sound...

    I read everything in any file included with the Tuxkart pack, Nothing.
    It said in One of them I can Enable and Disable the Sound within the games interface, But i sure can't find it...

    Can anyone by CHANCE tell me where these Controls Are

    I even tried a couple of other Tricks I learned while fooling with a couple of other Linux distros to get it too work, and even those didn't work...

    Does anyone here have any Ideas what i might be able to do to fix this problem, SHORT of a complete reinstall?
    If only a reinstall will do it that will wait until i get bored enough to do it, Or I have too which ever comes first, as we all know thats alot of Work..

    I posted on the Ubuntu Forums but no one seems to want to Help since I changed to Kubuntu...
    But no biggie...

    Thanks in advance for any and all Suggestions.... 8)
