I've been running sshutout on a debian stable box at work for a couple of years now. It worked out of the box, and I'm fairly certain it has saved me some grief from the door knockers that show up almost every day.
I recently installed it on my kubuntu jaunty system at home. So far I haven't been able to make it work. It builds without error and seems to be running normally, but it never catches any failed login attempts and never logs anything.
Sshutout is not an ubuntu package, but I can't see anything that would keep it from working on my jaunty system. Just wondering if anyone else has tried it and whether they got it to work or not.
FWIW, I also installed fail2ban and denyhosts, which are ubuntu packages, and they don't seem to be working either. That is, the daemons are running but they don't seem to catch anything. That makes me wonder if it's a permissions problem or lib mismatch or some such. As with sshutout, there's nothing in the logs to suggest what's wrong.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Edit: Changing /etc/ssh/sshd_config LogLevel from Error to Info made it work. Apparently Info is the default in debian, while Error is the default in (k)ubuntu.
I recently installed it on my kubuntu jaunty system at home. So far I haven't been able to make it work. It builds without error and seems to be running normally, but it never catches any failed login attempts and never logs anything.
Sshutout is not an ubuntu package, but I can't see anything that would keep it from working on my jaunty system. Just wondering if anyone else has tried it and whether they got it to work or not.
FWIW, I also installed fail2ban and denyhosts, which are ubuntu packages, and they don't seem to be working either. That is, the daemons are running but they don't seem to catch anything. That makes me wonder if it's a permissions problem or lib mismatch or some such. As with sshutout, there's nothing in the logs to suggest what's wrong.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Edit: Changing /etc/ssh/sshd_config LogLevel from Error to Info made it work. Apparently Info is the default in debian, while Error is the default in (k)ubuntu.