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Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

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    Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

    I think one of the most important part of the project timelord is a clear definition of what Kubuntu is, where it stands relative to Ubuntu and relative to other distros.

    For example: Ubuntu is "linux for human being". This short sentence summarizes many of the project goals: ease to use, simple, intuitive. Hence, for example, the choice of Gnome over KDE.

    What about Kubuntu? Few thoughts:
    -Kde is more about choice and customization than Gnome. So, it seems more natural to me for Kubuntu to target a more experienced user than than someone switching to linux for the first time.
    -Even if Canonical puts more resources into Kubuntu and more volunteers join in, it is still going to be the case that Ubuntu will have more testers/developers that Kubuntu. Again, this means that the average user should expect things not to work right out of the box more often in Kubuntu than in Ubuntu.
    -If we really resolve the browser issue and the new Akonadi framework starts bearing fruits, it will be possible to use 100% kde apps for 90% of the tasks. This implies greater integration and consistency than Ubuntu (since it uses Firefox and most people use Thunderbird instead than Evolution).

    -with respect to other Distro, Kubuntu is easy to install: no need to mess around for hardware recognition and so on.
    -with respect to Ubuntu, Kubuntu offers more choice and at the same time more consistency.

    The natural audience for the project is someone that love to spend time changing all the system settings until his desktop really look the way he likes, but he hates having to waste time figuring out how to have a piece of hardware recognized.

    Finally, here is my proposition "Kubuntu: be you, be cool"
    (well, this may not be exactly a piece of art, and, to be honest, I'm not even a native english speaker, but you get the idea)

    Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

    How about "Kubuntu: Performance, Straight out of box"
    I myself love the fact that after installing 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' and 'firefox'(no good enough KDE/QT option) everything works out of box. The default theme is great, plasma gadgets are wonderful.......the list goes on....

    I myself just add some widgets to the desktop, change the wallpaper, and very functional yet impressive desktop is ready.


      Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

      When a desktop is "point and click" how much easier can it get?

      Both GNOME and Kubuntu, as are most of the other xclients, are mouse click environments. For Joe and Sally Sixpack that's all they need to know in order to be able to use Kubuntu. With Kubuntu, your clicks have more options and, as a rule, things work more automatically, which is why it is easy to use.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

        my point is that Ubuntu is already the "out of the box" one. So what is Kubuntu?

        I'm talking about marketing/brand recognition, not so much about how it actually works.

        The "performance" part is interesting. However, is "performance" something that characterizes only Kubuntu? can we claim something like: kubuntu performance is better than ubuntu's/Suse/...? I don't think so, at least not in general terms. And getting into geeky details is not a good idea if you want your communication to be effective.


          Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

          i do agree that kde is a bit more for customizers and more experanced users, there is really no reason that new users can't use it , as in look and feel its closer to what windows users are already used to (gnome being more like an "classic" Mac OS enviroment).its for this reason that when asked by people what are intrested in linux if they should use gnome or kde.i generally ask them if they are a mac os users or a windows user.

          more to come later have to get back to work
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
          (top of thread: thread tools)


            Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

            Personally, I was under the notion that, since Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu are really the same OS with different DEs, and Mythbuntu, Edubuntu, and so on are just very mission-specific off-shoots of the same OS, that the "linux for human beings" tagline applied to all members of the *buntu family.

            Also... why "Project Timelord"? Is there some sort of Doctor Who tie-in to be aware of?
            Hardware: Toshiba Satellite A205-S4607<br />OS: Kubuntu 11.10 (KDE 4.7.2), Windows Vista Home Premium (SP 2)


              Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

              Firstly, Ubuntu being for human beings. That's too broad - we're all human, some are geeks, some are not, or some are more geek and others are less.

              Kubuntu works out of the box, although many then choose to add some non free packages, plugins, etcetera. It is essentially point and click and it also allows people to learn and understanding a good OS and much more. Those with ability can develop their ability, those happy to click can happily click away and enjoy an excellent OS.

              HP Compaq nc6400, 2Gi, 100Gi, ATI x1300 with 512M


                Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

                The fact that Kubuntu should start thinking seriously at its own branding-marketing is one of the points of project timelord (I think the name is kind of odd too):

                I know that Kubuntu works right out of the box, that it is easy to use, and that it is safe for first-time linux users. But all this is irrelevant to what I'm trying to say. Out there, all these qualities are associated to the brand "Ubuntu". Therefore, if we want Kubuntu to have its own brand (as specified in the guidelines of project timelord), let's think of what makes Kubuntu special, both with respect to Ubuntu and with respect to other distros.

                This is not only a marketing exercise. Coming up with a slogan implies first to figure out what are the objectives of the project, what's its ethos, what's its target-user. I think all these aspects need some clarification. Otherwise using Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Suse, ... is like supporting one soccer team or another soccer team.


                  Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

                  Originally posted by Stormbringer
                  Also... why "Project Timelord"? Is there some sort of Doctor Who tie-in to be aware of?
                  Yes, there is.

                  I've always assumed that by calling Ubuntu linux for human beings it was implied that one need not be a geek to use it. Along the same lines, it could fairly be interpreted to mean everyone, since anyone on Earth considering Ubuntu is most likely a human being.
                  Welcome newbies!
                  Verify the ISO
                  Kubuntu's documentation


                    Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

                    I think the point made about personal customization actually hits the nail on the head about what Kubuntu is. One of the reasons I went from Ubuntu to Kubuntu. I have always really liked their (KDE's) Desktop approach combined with the Ubuntu Base and Package system. It fits me. Hmmm. Maybe that is what Kubuntu can use. "Kubuntu - It Just Fits". Kind of corny, but I think you can get the generall idea.


                      Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

                      about our mission statement, i always thought that kubuntu was aiming at providing the best possible distro with the most current version of KDE.

                      our mission should be simple:

                      0.Provide a 100% GNU Compliant OS.
                      1.Provide A stable base system (under the hood)
                      2.Keep in line with Ubuntu's code of conduct (lest we fork)
                      3.Provide The Most Current STABLE version of KDE. for every release.
                      4.Provide The Most User Friendly KDE based DE.
                      5.Leave KDE uncrippled for those who want to customize there installs

                      fixes to bugs in KDE:
                      i am all for the bug reports being filed via the Built in Dr. Konqi bug reporter, KDE will be more able to fix there bugs then our 3rd party devs. if they find that the bug is ours alone then we should fix it.aside from the fact that launchpad is a mess when it comes to getting them all sorted out with our current bug team.
                      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                      (top of thread: thread tools)


                        Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

                        I think these are all great things but they don't make up a mission statement. A mission statement should be something that is specific to Kubuntu (" the best possible distro with the most current version of KDE" is something several other distro could say). And, especially, it should contain no geeky terms.

                        For example, I think a mission statement should not contain the word KDE, at least not in its first sentence. KDE is a tool to achieve something (we are not a religion, are we?). The mission statement should be more about what we are trying to achieve rather that how we plan to achieve it.


                          Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

                          IIRC, Kubuntu advertised itself as a bleeding edge distro featuring KDE.

                          I LIKE THAT.

                          I like that Kubuntu uses the latest version of KDE4, and most other apps. I don't mind submitting bug reports and helping out the developers. After all, most of them are helping us out by volunteering their time to write & support this FINE distro. Even during the Alpha and beta phases there were no problems which prevented me from using KK as I normally do, which includes software development and testing.

                          In my experience, even though Kubuntu is bleeding edge, I find it entirely useful, functional, powerful and beautiful.

                          But, to achieve this I checked the ISO I downloaded against the posted md5sum, burned the ISO at less than 10X using TAO, and I checked the burned LiveCD using md5sum or the option on the LiveCD to make sure it was faithfully burned. Then I installed it with careful attention to detail. This has resulted in almost a dozen installations of KK on a wide variety of laptops and computers, from the new to old.

                          This distro is the best I have ever used during the entire eleven years I've been running Linux.

                          The "Mission Statement" should, IMO, reflect that Kubuntu is a trail-blazing distro ("bleeding edge"). Those wanting something less should try a previous release that has had time for version rigor mortis to set in (become set, ridged, inflexible, fixed). There really is no reason to be on the bleeding edge if you don't like the thrills! A server running a desktop is boring.
                          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                            Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

                            Maybe the Mission Statement should state that with those word in it in some way? Using "path", "afire", etc. Sound like a good approach and start.


                              Re: Project Timelord - Kubuntu in one sentence

                              Kubuntu - Blazing ahead, that others may follow.
                              Kubuntu - Expanding the boundries.
                              Kubuntu - Adventurers wanted!
                              Kubuntu - When 'common' just won't do.
                              Kubuntu - Lead, Follow, or ... We choose to Lead.
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

