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A better mobile broadband?

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    A better mobile broadband?

    If there's one thing the becomes clear when you're a Linux user, it's that mobile broadband can be a royal pain in the bum. If you get it working, it'll usually be in spite of the providers rather than because of them, and you often need to resort to scripting and wvdial even to connect, whereas Windows users are given lovely shiny graphical apps to help them.

    Most recently I've been left high and dry because changes to the kernel have made the WWAN cards in Thinkpads inacessible (bug reported on Launchpad here). So I'm very excited to report that after weeks without mobile data I've just got one of these:

    It's a pocket-sized wifi hotspot, which communicates with the 3G network. The clever thing is that, as far as your computer is concerned, this is just another WiFi connection - your computer never needs to know it is a mobile broadband connection. I've just tested it with Kubuntu Karmic running wicd and it works a treat. I've also connected my Mac without problems

    I'm sure these modems will start appearing on eBay shortly (its generic name is a Huawei E5830). So if, like me, you need mobile data, and if like me you've had trouble with mobile broadband then get a cheap data SIM and grab one. It really is a much simpler solution. And what's even more exciting is that several people can share the connection simultaneously as it's a wireless hotspot.

    I've just realized this sounds a lot like an advert! To be clear: I've nothing to do with selling this, I'm just a Linux user who has jumped through a lot of mobile broadband hoops and is happy to have found a solution...

    Re: A better mobile broadband?

    Hi olembe,

    this is a god-sent! I'll be spending about 4 weeks in the Big Smoke come middle of October and was already dreading the whole minicom hullabaloo! A couple of months ago I ran around Nottingham like a headless chicken trying to find someone in a mobile shop who had even heard of Linux (short), Li:nux (long) and Luynux (rhymes with buy) - amazingly all three pronunciations in ONE shop But could they give me any sort of helpful advice? Sadly no

    Anyway, I went to the website you suggested and just to make sure - is it the ZTE MF627 for £20 you are on about?

    Cheers mate!
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      Re: A better mobile broadband?

      No, it's not ZTE: it's the Huawei E5830 and it cost me £60-something to buy the modem if I took on a one-month rolling contract (which I can switch to pay-as-you-go after a month if I like). If you start at the page I linked to above it's the one you can see in the middle of the page.


        Re: A better mobile broadband?

        Oh well, not like £20 but still great. A bit concerned about the battery life of only 5 hours but I suppose sooner or later bigger ones will appear on the market.

        Thanks a ton for that great tip!
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          Re: A better mobile broadband?

          I was initially a bit worried by the battery life, but it'll charge from USB whilst you're using it, so no major worries.


            Re: A better mobile broadband?

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              Re: A better mobile broadband?

              I've used a dialup or cable connection all my Internet life.

              How does this work? Is it like a cellphone... communication via UHF signals to & from some vendor tower? If so, how far can you be from the tower before you uplink lacks power to reach the tower?
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Re: A better mobile broadband?

                Originally posted by olembe
                I was initially a bit worried by the battery life, but it'll charge from USB whilst you're using it, so no major worries.
                Maybe not!

                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Re: A better mobile broadband?

                  Apparently it does work Would be really strange if it didn't!

                  Originally posted by olembe
                  I was initially a bit worried by the battery life, but it'll charge from USB whilst you're using it, so no major worries.
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                    Re: A better mobile broadband?

                    Originally posted by GreyGeek
                    I've used a dialup or cable connection all my Internet life.

                    How does this work? Is it like a cellphone... communication via UHF signals to & from some vendor tower? If so, how far can you be from the tower before you uplink lacks power to reach the tower?
                    It's really just a specialized cell phone, so works on the standard cellular network - as long as there's a good network of masts you should get seamless coverage.


                      Re: A better mobile broadband?

                      Here in the US, Verizon (and probably others) offer this service. With the Verizon MIFI device you can support up to five devices simultaneously. It's not cheap though. I was looking in to this so I can ditch my land line, which now provides my DSL connection. I'm a little concerned about download speeds though.


                        Re: A better mobile broadband?

                        I haven't tested download speeds objectively yet, but subjectively I'd say it's not bad: something like the home broadband of about 4 years ago, perhaps (2 mbps?).

                        What I have found is that it's fast enough, and sufficiently low ping latency, to play World of Warcraft quite happily, so my wife will be happy...


                          Re: A better mobile broadband?

                          I tested it at the local Verizon store and got 1400kbs download. On my current DSL I get 6000 kbs. That's quite a difference. That means it would take four times as long to download a large file, such as an Ubuntu iso.


                            Re: A better mobile broadband?

                            To be honest I just don't expect a mobile solution to be as fast as what I have at home: the fact I can get on the internet from anywhere is good enough for me - and the fact that it's tolerably nippy is great.


                              Re: A better mobile broadband?

                              I envy both of you having a 2k connection at home! That mobile is blinding fast while 6k is simply unimaginable
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