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Lucid Lynx 10.04

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    Lucid Lynx 10.04

    That is all.

    "Attendees at Atlanta Linux Fest's breakout session Ubuntucon were among the first to hear straight from Mark Shuttleworth that the popular Linux distribution Ubuntu's next release -- version 10.04 -- will be named Lucid Lynx."

    Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

    Way better than Lame Llama!


      Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04


      should've involved a llama
      # make install --not-war


        Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

        Leaping Lizard? Lurking Leopard?
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

          As an old Orphan Annie fan, I was REALLY rooting for Leaping Lizard.


            Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04


            Video of the announcement (about 4:02).


              Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

              I was overwhelmed by his comments about Kubuntu and KDE, let alone Xubuntu, and Edubuntu. NOT


                Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

                A thread from the > kubuntu-devel >> Kubuntu 10.04 LTS status?
                Clay Weber
                Mon Sep 21 03:22:49 BST 2009

                Will there be any new or announcement regarding the status of Kubuntu in
                regards to LTS status? With Kubuntu not getting this status last time, it
                might be good to have this clarified for us.

                With the Kubuntu 8.04, Jonathan Riddell told > Kubuntu LTS:
                Jonathan Riddell
                Thu Dec 20 17:05:33 GMT 2007
                We regularly review each release during the development cycle, keeping
                an eye on the work that our upstreams are doing. From time to time,
                this work reaches a natural rest point resulting in a particularly
                stable release. For these releases, Canonical makes a commercial
                commitment to provide support for a longer term and these become known
                as "LTS" releases.

                Since KDE 4 is a major change to the platform, it is not currently at
                one of these natural rest points so would not be suitable for long
                term support....
                Before you edit, BACKUP !

                Why there are dead links ?
                1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                2. Thread: Lost Information


                  Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

                  Originally posted by askrieger
                  I was overwhelmed by his comments about Kubuntu and KDE, let alone Xubuntu, and Edubuntu. NOT
                  Quite incredible that we didn't get a mention at all. It certainly puts doubt in my mind as to his commitment to this project.


                    Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

                    It certainly puts doubt in my mind as to his commitment to this project.
                    The questions that I see are:
                    (a) How long will Canonical continue to release a KDE based version of Ubuntu (i.e. special graphics, special packages like "kubuntu-desktop")?
                    (b) How long will Canonical continue to employ developers to adapt their software for KDE?
                    (c) Will they continue to include KDE based software in their repos?
                    (d) When/if Kubuntu ceases to be viable, will there be another Debian-based distro using KDE, at a quality level approaching that of Kubuntu?

                    I certainly hope that my pessimism is unwarranted, but I've used straight Debian before and (painful as it might be) I could do so again if necessary.


                      Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

                      I see no technical reason why kubuntu 10.04 wouldn't be an LTS release (it will have KDE 4.4.x on it, which is definitely not a "transitory" release).

                      After all, Hardy Heron was an exception due to the KDE3->KDE4 transition. They didn't want to keep supporting KDE3 for three years, and couldn't really put KDE4.0 as the default and support it for three years (as it was a developer release).

                      If Kubuntu 10.04 will not be an LTS release, then it is a political decision and perhaps a time to move on. But my money says it will be.

                      Of course an official acknowledgment would set minds at ease.


                        Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

                        Can someone explain to me the relationship between Ubuntu and Kubuntu? Yes I have read the FAQ, but I would be grateful if someone could point to some document which describes the relationship. All I have to go on is the home pages and I don't see any description of Canonical being directly involved other than Kubuntu being "an official part of Ubuntu" and sharing the same repositories. The FAQ steers very clear of describing any relationship other that that.

                        I have a feeling that Kubuntu is actually just a distribution based on Ubuntu and that Canonical has no particular responsibility towards it, other than the responsibility they take toward the community in general. I think that is OK.


                          Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

                          @Ole Juul

                          the core kde and kubuntu packages are in "main" repository (as opposed to "universe") which means they are officially supported by canonical. You can also buy commercial support for kubuntu from canonical just the same as ubuntu.

                          kubuntu as a distribution is mainly a community project (I'm aware of just one developer that is paid by canonical to work on kubuntu/kde), but to my knowledge so is ubuntu (although there are more paid developers...but these devs also work on the parts that are common to both ubuntu and kubuntu).

                          I'm sure someone (like claydoh) can give more accurate information on the subject.


                            Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

                            the core kde and kubuntu packages are in "main" repository (as opposed to "universe") which means they are officially supported by canonical. You can also buy commercial support for kubuntu from canonical just the same as ubuntu.
                            Thanks kubicle!


                              Re: Lucid Lynx 10.04

                              Few links:

                              > Lucid Release Schedule

                              > KDE 4.4 Release Schedule
                              > KDE release-team >> Qt 4.6 && KDE 4.4.0
                              - The release team has decided that KDE 4.4.0 will depend on Qt 4.6.
                              - The expected release dates of Qt's RC and the final release currently clash with KDE's release
                              schedule. Therefore we have decided to shift the KDE release by two weeks.
                              > Plasma 4.4: Update on where we are
                              Before you edit, BACKUP !

                              Why there are dead links ?
                              1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
                              2. Thread: Lost Information

