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Can't mount iPhone in Kubuntu Jaunty

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    Can't mount iPhone in Kubuntu Jaunty


    I'm trying for a very long time to get help with this without success (tried IRC, ubuntuforums, you name it):
    When I was using Ubuntu 8.10 I used to be able to mount my iPhone and access it with Amarok via the convenience package and the whole ssh workaround.

    This is not working anymore, now that I've started using Kubuntu 9.04 (BTW, it's a fresh install, *not* an upgrade): when I issue the sudo iphone-mount command I get the error that my user is not in the fuse group, but the weird thing is that it *is*.

    I already checked the groups, logged out and back in and I keep receiving the same error message.

    Can anyone please help?



    Re: Can't mount iPhone in Kubuntu Jaunty

    sudo:iphone-mount comand not found... Are you sure it works properly? Have you tried "kdesudo iphone-mount"?
    <br />Have YOU signed the Ubuntu code of Conduct? I did it at 10 AUG, 2009!


      Re: Can't mount iPhone in Kubuntu Jaunty

      Hi, thanks for the quick reply.
      This command (iphone-mount) becomes available once you install the "ipod-convenience" package.


        Re: Can't mount iPhone in Kubuntu Jaunty

        Originally posted by galvao
        Hi, thanks for the quick reply.
        This command (iphone-mount) becomes available once you install the "ipod-convenience" package.
        You have not answered to a second question
        <br />Have YOU signed the Ubuntu code of Conduct? I did it at 10 AUG, 2009!


          Re: Can't mount iPhone in Kubuntu Jaunty

          Right, sorry...

          When I run kdesudo iphone-mount for the first time, KDE asks me for the password and then just closes (nothing happens)...


            Re: Can't mount iPhone in Kubuntu Jaunty

            Originally posted by galvao
            Right, sorry...

            When I run kdesudo iphone-mount for the first time, KDE asks me for the password and then just closes (nothing happens)...
            oh okay. Sorry for wasting your time then because i don't know.
            <br />Have YOU signed the Ubuntu code of Conduct? I did it at 10 AUG, 2009!


              Re: Can't mount iPhone in Kubuntu Jaunty

              Hey, no worries, at least you've tried
              I'll keep waiting, I have the impression that the cause should be something really dumb...

