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Buying a new laptop that suits kubuntu at its best

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    Buying a new laptop that suits kubuntu at its best

    Hey everyone!
    So here's what, I currently own an Acer Aspire 7000 which has 1gb RAM and 800MHz amd sempron cpu with an nvidia geforce 6 graphics card. The computer works fine with any KDE based linux distro, but I just can't get away from kubuntu :P
    Basically there are two main components that always need tweaking: wireless & webcam. I know I could go through all the fixes etc to make the webcam work well under kopete (never got to actually have a convo using webcam under linux... on msn), but I am in the mood to buy a new computer that would have maximum hardware compatibility with linux.

    So what do you guys suggest? I am very curious to see what people will suggest and most likely there will be suggestions I never thought of before. Here are my basic requirements for a laptop though:

    -RAM: >= 2 GB
    -CPU: Latest 2 duos, AMD or Intel (I do prefer intel, but if you think amd is best, let me know why!)
    -Display: no generic card, nvidia or ati (is it an ultra gamer laptop at all..)
    -Incorporated webcam is a big plus, not specifcally required though (most do now)
    -15.4 inch screen
    -Price: <= ~700-800 (student cheaper the better, is long term tho)

    I use my laptop mainly for movies, programming, studying, surfing, and very rarely for games such as urban terror.
    I've searched so much, but I'm pretty sure some savy people here will know exactly what I should get !

    PS: If anyone knows how to buy an AZERTY (french) keyboard computer in the US, let me know!!! or i can just use stickers ._.

    Re: Buying a new laptop that suits kubuntu at its best

    I have a Lenovo Thinkpad (X200s), and wireless and webcam are working really well under Kubuntu (with the one proviso that I need to use wicd to manage the network rather than network manager). I LOVE my Thinkpad, and would definitely recommend them. Also, they're popular with Linux users so there's loads of support online, including the excellent Thinkwiki site.


      Re: Buying a new laptop that suits kubuntu at its best

      My Sony VAIO VGN-FW140E/H works nice. You may not like the medium powered GM45 video chip, however. It's not a gamer chip. The onboard webcam works great with Cheese, Skype, Ekiga and about every program that can call the uvc camera. When I plug in my headphones the speakers are automatically disconnected, and visa-versa. The Wireless Link1500 works well. The keyboard is NOT the classic type. More of a chiclet keyboard. The display is a gorgeous 1600X900 with great depth. Full 1080p HD through the HDMI connector. With Stellarium, TuxRacer and other 3D apps I get between 25-30 fps, sometimes more. Sound is 5.1 Dolby. Battery gives me about 2.5 hours or about 100 minutes with a DVD playing. That's because the battery monitor never charges it over 80%, to preserve battery life.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Re: Buying a new laptop that suits kubuntu at its best

        My Dell Inspiron 1545 came with 3Gib RAM and compatible wireless, I use a Linksys router at home for computer and printer. The only drawback might be the on board video and standard US qwerty keyboard. Currently running Kubuntu 9.04 AMD64 (It has an Intel dual T3400 CPU running at 2.16Ghz) KDE 4.2.2 is STABLE on this setup. The screen is 15.4 widescreen with 1366x768 display. All of this for under $500.00.
        Robert Collard, Springfield, IL<br />Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop, Intel Duo T3400 CPUs @2.16Ghz<br />Xubuntu 9.10 x86_64

