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To Go Back to KDE 3.5?

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    To Go Back to KDE 3.5?

    Hi guys,

    Some of you might know that I've posted earlier asking if I should upgrade my desktop from 8.04 (which I was very satisfied with) to 9.04, specially that I'd have to upgrade to KDE 4 (Didn't know that there would be a remix edition with KDE 3).

    Many replied that they are satisfied with it & working fine.

    Let me start by thanking the teams behind this marvellous work & piece of art "KDE 4", specially that it is built from scratch.

    After almost 2 months of usage, I've faced few bug issues associated with KDE 4 & it's applications.
    Starting from not being able to add music to iPod via Amarok2 to semi total GUI halt upon safely ejecting a media drive.
    I don't really want to go into details, but I am starting to miss the efficiency & stability of KDE 3.5

    Now I've read that the KDE 3.5 will be even supported in the upcoming edition 9.10
    "I notice that some users are wondering if KDE3.5 will be available in Karmic Koala [Kubuntu 9.10]. The answer is yes, barring any unforeseen unfixable issues. "

    I know it will cost me some effort, needing to format my "/home" partition again because am going back to KDE 3 (different settings I assume, don't want any conflict to happen).

    I'm still confused though. Go for it?

    (It's that you don't find Kubuntu or Linux users in general laying around, that's why you have to share your thoughts here)

    Re: To Go Back to KDE 3.5?

    In my opinion, don't do it. Yet. Not unless you're willing to put up with a lot of heartache.

    I've used KDE for a long time, basically since it first came out. Jaunty's KDE4 is still very raw compared to 3.5.10. Since Hardy is an LTS, I suggest sticking with it until KDE 4.3 comes out, at a minimum. I've run Kubuntu ever since switching off of SuSE 9.3, and I was disappointed in 8.10's and 9.04's KDE, especially with no official way of reverting to 3.5 (or at least have it in parallel) to wait out the bug and usability fixes in 4.

    The situation has pushed me back to SuSE. I am currently using 11.1 and trying out the 4.3B2 KDE. So far, it's ... not horrible and looks a heck of a lot more promising than 4.0.x did. At least SuSE has 3.5.10 in the repos.

    When KDE 4.3 comes out, I'll switch permanently and go back to Kubuntu /if/ doesn't mess up the packaging (can we PLEASE get plain vanilla with no tweaking and leave the tweaking to the end user? Please?). It looks like 4.3 will be the true 'production' version.

    If you choose to make the leap to 9.04 and KDE4, make sure you install all the kde4 -debuginfo packages so you can submit bug reports.

    Flame on:

    The people at told everyone that kde 4.0.x was really raw brisket, but Kubuntu jumped on it like it was filet mignon, leaving us all to chew on a really tough situation. Guys, please don't do that again. Thanks.

    Flame off.


      Re: To Go Back to KDE 3.5?

      Thanks for your reply,

      lol, you got me backwards

      I've already got 9.04 with KDE4 installed on the system now (upgraded from 8.04 KDE3)

      Now I'm thinking to go back to KDE3, so I'm thining of formating the drive & reinstalling 9.04 with KDE3 (the remix version).

      And asking if I should go for it. But from your view, that's definitely go for it! (revert back to KDE3)

      That's one vote there to go for it. (I'm more excited to go back to KDE3 now : P)

      Any other opinions?


        Re: To Go Back to KDE 3.5?

        Yeah, I got ya backwards in the first sentence, but I hit send without hitting preview. Hurr. Oh well.


          Re: To Go Back to KDE 3.5?

          you can add the repo for the kde3 packages to JJ . you can even have both kde3 and kde4 installed at the same time.. since kde3 uses ~/.kde3 for its settings...
          you can find more info about the kde3 remix in the archived news on (from april or may of this year).

          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
          (top of thread: thread tools)


            Re: To Go Back to KDE 3.5?

            I agree with bmo.

            Is your KDE4 now at 4.2.4?
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              Re: To Go Back to KDE 3.5?

              I did check the Remix version, I've downloaded & installed it, but some things are broken.

              If I go to the software sources I find that the CD is beta!

              But it doesn't say that in the download site.

              Has a link to:
              That is currently down at the moment of this post.

              The check boxes to download the source code are also checked, it looks like either a beta or RC,, no idea.

              Anyways, I've downloaded the latest 8.04 update I think it's 8.04.2 and I'm happy with it.

              The only visible bug though (which I used to see all the time before I went to KDE4) is the aMSN email notification in the system tray, sooo tiny. (fixed in KDE4).

              As for what version of KDE4 I had, I'm not sure, but I assume it's the latest, since I've installed a fresh copy of the 9.04 & installed all updates, unless! Another version has been released but not yet included in the updates.

              Some people would say to wait till the KDE4.3 is released, maybe with 9.10 or 10.04 ... am I excited for those numbers. Maybe 10.10 should be something out of this world who knows, looks like a pretty number to me : P

