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Problems with iMac

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    Problems with iMac

    I have a problem, i have downloaded and burned kubuntu 6.06 lts, when i try to boot it (or with live or with live video=ofonly) the cd starts load all fings (the blu kubuntu with all the things with the ok) after that the screen becomes black. if i leave the computer after a little bit i ear the sound of the start of the kde but the screen is always black.
    i have a imac g3 600Mhz with 512Ram and an ati rage ultra 16Mb.
    I want to install kubuntu please help me.

    P.S. when i try to start my Powerbook 17" with the same cd all works properly and i can use without problem kubuntu
    P.P.S. The name of the iso i have downloaded and burned is kubuntu-6.06-desktop-powerpc.iso

    Re: Problems with iMac

    ok try

    After booting is complete,
    1. ctrl-option-F1 (should give you a command prompt, may take a couple of tries)
    2. type: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf (return)
    3. make your edits (see below)
    4. ctrl-O (return) to write edited file
    5. ctrl-X to exit nano back to command line
    6. type: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart (return) to restart kde

    At the very least you'll need to modify "HorizSync" to 60-60 and "VertRefresh" to 75-117. Both are in the monitors section.


      Re: Problems with iMac

      I know i am opening a dead topic here but, thank you very much for this peice of info it help me a dream, i wish there where more people like you in forums like this.

      If you have a g3 and it isnt loading up but you can hear KDE loading here is your solution

      and remeber case sensative


        Re: Problems with iMac

        This should be made a sticky! I agree with skill83, koll2786... yu-da-bom!!!


          Re: Problems with iMac

          This has got to be one of he most helpful posts I have ever read. I am now installing Kubuntu on my iMac without any problems. this is a much different experience then when I installed Ubuntu on m laptop... so far. hopefully all of the hardware will work without a problem.

