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Gnome DO

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    Gnome DO


    I used to run plain vanilla Ubuntu but the look of it got so awful after the latest update that I switched to KDE. No regrets there, KDE looks 10x nicer.

    Anyway, I installed "Gnome Do" which is a nifty little app I cannot live without. Despite the name, it works fine in KDE. Well, almost fine, there is a small bug whereby the space bar must be pressed 3 times to summon Do. The bug is known and featured on Launchpad . Apparently it's something to do with Compiz but I wasn't aware that Compiz ran with KDE. Or is Compiz there as a leftover from Gnome ?

    Does anyone else have issues with Gnome Do and KDE?

    Re: Gnome DO

    I used gnome do for a few days. Worked fine, but wouldn't come up if I had an app in the foreground, only if I had everything minimized. Also I couldn't figure out how to do a google search from gnome-do, only bring up the google search page.

