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SOLVED: kubuntu bluetooth profile support

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    SOLVED: kubuntu bluetooth profile support

    Why does kubuntu bluetooth support suck so bad? > The only profile available is for input device. Audio device is listed but grayed out. How do I connect to other things, like my phone, headset or GPSr? The bluetooth manager is worthless. When I upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04, I had to uninstall the new network manager because it was a piece of crap that dropped connections and had no way to reconnect, and the old knetworkmanager no longer worked at all, so I installed Wicd and it does everything the kubuntu network manager should have done. Is there an easy replacement for the bluetooth manager as well? I'm not having any luck finding anything. None of the instructions I've found for tethering to phones for Internet connections work.
    Asus EeePC 1000HE WinXP+Kubuntu 9.10-&gt;looking very hard at 9.04<br />Self-built AMD Sempron 2.4GHz Kubuntu 9.10<br />Self-built Via Epia Nehemiah M10000 WinXP+Kubuntu 9.10-&gt;reverted to 9.04<br />Using Kubuntu since 7.04, Ubuntu since 6.09

    Re: kubuntu bluetooth profile support

    you can try blueman but you will manually have to add it to your start up check here for more info
    Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
    (top of thread: thread tools)


      Re: kubuntu bluetooth profile support

      The "here" link you gave doesn't work. I installed blueman (added repository and public key), but I can't find an icon for it anywhere, and trying to start it from the command line results in an "unknown command" error. Apt says it's installed and the most current version.
      Asus EeePC 1000HE WinXP+Kubuntu 9.10-&gt;looking very hard at 9.04<br />Self-built AMD Sempron 2.4GHz Kubuntu 9.10<br />Self-built Via Epia Nehemiah M10000 WinXP+Kubuntu 9.10-&gt;reverted to 9.04<br />Using Kubuntu since 7.04, Ubuntu since 6.09


        Re: kubuntu bluetooth profile support

        here is that link
        if for some reason it don't work search the forum for
        "How to change the Bluetooth manager"
        Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
        (top of thread: thread tools)


          Re: kubuntu bluetooth profile support

          Thanks! That link worked, and starting "blueman-applet" (not obvious: the "-applet" part is never mentioned anywhere I've looked except in the forum page you linked) from the command line works. However, it gives me an error "Failed to load module 'canberra-gtk-module': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". it seems to load everything else, though. Now I'm able to connect to my phone. I followed the instructions to remove kdebluetooth4 and make blueman-applet automatically run at startup. By the way, the setting is "system settings-> advanced -> autostart", not "autorun". Autorun is a Windows term...

          It's beyond my understanding why ubuntu left off such critical basic functionality in their WiFi and Bluetooth applets.
          Asus EeePC 1000HE WinXP+Kubuntu 9.10-&gt;looking very hard at 9.04<br />Self-built AMD Sempron 2.4GHz Kubuntu 9.10<br />Self-built Via Epia Nehemiah M10000 WinXP+Kubuntu 9.10-&gt;reverted to 9.04<br />Using Kubuntu since 7.04, Ubuntu since 6.09


            Re: SOLVED: kubuntu bluetooth profile support

            yea long time windows user some of those terms kinda get stuck up in ur head
            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
            (top of thread: thread tools)

