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New to Kubuntu

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    New to Kubuntu

    I am not new to Linux, however I am new to Kubuntu, I just installed it today and am wondering if someone could answer some questions for me.

    Mainly I am curious as to how quick KDE 3.5.3 should be out for Kubuntu?

    Also, I am not sure how the repositories work. I see that there are a few others I can enable, but I am wondering if its illegal for me to enable them. I live in the United States, I'm just not sure whats meant by 'proprietary'. I want to download like flash for firefox etc. But not sure if i'm allowed.


    Re: New to Kubuntu

    KDE 3.5.3 for Kubuntu is already out. Check this announcement for details:

    I'm not sure I understand your question about "how the repositories work". Are you talking about how repositories work in general, or just the different "components" of the Ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse)? If it's the latter, this might be an interesting read for you:

    I'm not familiar with U.S. laws, but I think the term "proprietary" basically covers any software that is not free/open source software or does not use any of the free/open source licenses (GPL, BSD, etc.). Flash for Firefox, AFAIK, has no legal problems, even if it is proprietary. Codecs for media like MP3s and DVDs are the ones that give legal hurdles. I'm not exactly sure if Kubuntu has a page explaining all those legal stuff, but you might get an idea of what the "dangerous" codecs are from this wiki page: Again, I'm not entirely sure which codecs/plugins are allowed in the U.S. of A.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: New to Kubuntu

      Thanks for the quick response to my question. Perhaps you can help me out with another issue.

      I do alot of compiling using GCC and the like. However I went to compile a theme called QTCurve and GCC wasn't installed. Normally on all Distro's I've used up till now, it was. My question is, when I go to adept and type gcc for a search there are a few versions of GCC, does it hurt to have more than one installed... also, after installing the 4.0 version I still get this error on configure..

      checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executable

      Any ideas what would cause this?

      Also, what do I do in order to install flash plugin for Konqueror as well as Firefox?



        Re: New to Kubuntu

        install the build-essential metapackage. It will install everything that you need to compile from source, including GCC.

        Hope that helps.
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: New to Kubuntu

          Build essential worked great for me! Thanks again for all the help.

          Is there any way to put a Home icon on my desktop? Also I like the menu on the taskbar that shows home folder storage media etc on it, is there a way to get that on the desktop as well?



            Re: New to Kubuntu

            Originally posted by miller0521
            Build essential worked great for me! Thanks again for all the help.

            Is there any way to put a Home icon on my desktop? Also I like the menu on the taskbar that shows home folder storage media etc on it, is there a way to get that on the desktop as well?

            make links/shortcuts?
            <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


              Re: New to Kubuntu

              1. To put a Home icon on the desktop:
              Method A:
              Open up Konqueror. Type /home in the location bar. You will see a folder there with you username on it. That's your home folder (it will probably have a Home icon as well). Click and drag that folder to any blank space in the desktop. Release the mouse button and a popup menu will appear, asking whether you want to Move here, Copy here, Link here, or cancel. Choose Link here.

              Method B:
              Right click on an empty space on the desktop. Choose Create New, then Link to location. You will be given a dialog box where you can type in the File name and Enter link to Location. In the Enter link to location, type in ~ (which is a shortcut to /home/your_username). Click on OK. To change the icon for that link, right-click on the link/icon and choose Properties. Then click on the icon and you will be given choices for possible icons. You can choose whatever icon you want.

              2. I'm not exactly sure what you mean or what you want to do.
              Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                Re: New to Kubuntu

                Originally posted by Jucato
                2. I'm not exactly sure what you mean or what you want to do.
                He wants to add the links in the system menu to the desktop. Rough screen below (the system menu isn't opened, but ah well.

                If you want to get a shortcut for system settings, you could create a shortcut and the link would be to kdesu systemsettings
                <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


                  Re: New to Kubuntu

                  Yes, I know the System icon on the panel. What I was wondering about was whether he wanted:
                  a. to have one icon on the desktop that will open up a Konqueror window containing what pops up when you click that in the taskbar (Home, Storage Media, etc.);


                  b. whether he wants separate icons per Home, Storage Media, etc.
                  Jucato&#39;s Data Core


                    Re: New to Kubuntu

                    I wanted one icon tha twould lead to acess to all those from the taskbar. I prefer to have it on the desktop than on the taskbard.

                    Also, I notice when I do an lsmod there are alot of things there that I don't use. I never bother with power management support on my desktop, its either on, or I shut it down. Should I rebuild the kernel myself so its more customized to myself? Or does Kubuntu not allow for that? I'm just wondering if I can speed up my install any. It feels slightly bloated.



                      Re: New to Kubuntu

                      To get that icon on the desktop: Rightclick on desktop ->Create New ->Link to Location(URL) -> system:/

