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proxy for a proxy

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    proxy for a proxy

    I am not sure of the technical word for this functionality, but here goes my strange requirement.

    I have an iPod touch(iPT) with VOIP application in it. I want to stay connected at work, where everything goes via a proxy server with authentication. My iPT is able to connect with wlan without any problems and I am able to browse internet via safari. Unfortunately all the other applications (including google earth) does not have internet access, because of a stupid bug in iPhone OS, that does not reveal the proxy details to third party applications !

    As this wont be resolved any soon, I was thinking, if its possible to have my kubuntu laptop (which is connected to the same network) as a "kind of mediator", which masks all these proxy business from iPod Touch ?
    Maybe i can specify my laptop as gateway in iPT and then kubuntu does all the work of forwarding all traffic from iPT to the actualy proxy server(with the authentication stuff added). Is this even possible ?

    NOTE: I dont want to circumvent the proxy server at work, I just need a mediator which forwards all normal requests from my iPT to the proxy server with necessary credentials.

    any help would be greatly appreciated.