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Kudos for KDE 4.2

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    Kudos for KDE 4.2

    I just want to say a big thank you to kubuntu and kde 4.2 teams. Love it.

    Been using gnome/kde for a long time and the 4.2 release really made me switch, or at least not switch back within forseable future.

    What I like:

    Adept V.3 - just works great. The 2 series worked - but it was to much progressbars which made me nervous.. I now I read that KPackageKit will take over? Just used that with Fedora 10 - its horrible ( not fedora but KPackageKit. ) You will really dislike the "waiting for other tasks"...

    Kwin window manager. Makes Qt/KDE in general ( Qt 4 is better then 3 ) much more smooth. The 3 series without desktop effects had to much flickering when you operated textfields etc. Gnome is really smooth visually when things change in menus, comboboxes, textfields and so on. Its a feeling thing... Wobbly windows needs much better speed though, compiz still works much better on that effect.

    FolderViews. You need three of them to realise the benefits over reglular desktop and icons.

    Dolphin and split view. Nice! Hello Midnight Commander. It was a Nautilus "clone" but now its better. Good work.

    Okular. Its fast! Loads 250 pdf pages super fast.

    Quick Access. Ohh yes - that speeds up my desktop working day like 50%. No need to open the file manager.

    The menu with black background. Recently used is God.

    The Systems Settings. Its getting crowded in there. :-D Just keep adding those great settings components. Great Stuff!

    The whole KDE 4 experience with Kubuntu worked great - very few Gnome dialogs etc.

    Thank YOU!

    Re: Kudos for KDE 4.2

    Public relations train wreck notwithstanding, the software for KDE4.2 is starting to look pretty good, and I think the KDE team is doing a great job at responding to the complaints of disaffected users. I've spent a lot of time with KDE 4.1.3 and 4.2, and while I think I still prefer 3.5 (what I'm using now) there are lots of great innovations in KDE4, and if I ever really have to use KDE4, It's not going to be a real problem. I thought 4.2 would be the version that would make me a convert.... and it was so close! Maybe the next one.

    I did experience one major bug with 4.2. I'm sure that will be taken care of.


      Re: Kudos for KDE 4.2

      I love 4.2, completely and absolutely. Always been a big KDE fanboy and even though 4.0/1 lacked a little, it was still the DE i booted into every day.

      With 4.2 it is no contest, I don't make any usabilty sacrifice to use Linux, KDE4.2 is what I wish I could use on all my systems.

      Agree with OP, Okular is amazing and so is KWin effects.

      Had some doubts about Dolphin, because Konq was so powerful, but thats looking good now too.

      Only thing I don't like is the new menu, but that is the way the world is going, and I can use old one still. New one takes too many clicks navigating back and forth.


        Re: Kudos for KDE 4.2

        I feel like the Lone Ranger about the new menu. I like it. Favorites, custom application folders
        and Recently Used make it very fast for me to use. I tried Lancelot but still like the kickoff menu
        better. I like the way Dolphin has shaped up but still use Konqueror for some tasks. I feel that
        if its this good now (kde4) it will be amazing after a few more releases. My 2 cents worth.


