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Software development recommendations?

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    Software development recommendations?

    Where does one make a suggestion for a software recommendation to the developers? I like to see a package as I've have seen developed (origionally by 'DreamLinux' and then carried by 'PCLinuxOS' in the repositories here. It is 'remasterme' or 'mklivecd'. This Konsole run program basically creates an ISO image of your whole operating system and allows you to create a DVD or CD disk ISO image of everything you have on your computer hard drive. It is a bootable image that you can re-install if your system ever crashes and restores everything that you had onto your drive(s). I've made quite a few backup images when running PCLinuxOS ( biggest one was about 3gig) and it worked very well. It also allowed me to distro 'hop' and try out other distro's and go back to my origional one. BTW I'm now using 'Kubuntu' full time. PCLinuxOS I feel have dropped the ball somewhere. I like KDE4.1 and it is looking very good.


    Re: Software development recommendations?

    Where does one make a suggestion for a software recommendation to the developers? I like to see a package as I've have seen developed (origionally by 'DreamLinux' and then carried by 'PCLinuxOS' in the repositories here. It is 'remasterme' or 'mklivecd'.
    If you want to request a new package > UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages
    Requesting a new package for Ubuntu

    To get a package into Ubuntu, please file a bug in Launchpad and make sure it has the tag needs-packaging. Please mention where to get the source for it and which license it is under. An example request is here. Make sure you check which packages have already been requested. For packages in Debian, but not in Ubuntu file a bug with the summary field "please sync package <packagename> from debian <distro>" where packagename is the package you would like to see...

    > Mklivecd - wiki
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    mklivecd is a script for Linux distributions that allows for one to compile a "snapshot" of the current hard drive partition and all data which resides in it (all settings, applications, documents, bookmarks, etc.) and compress it into an ISO CD image. This allows easy backup of a user's data and also makes it easy to create separate Debian-based distributions. It was originally primarily used for Debian-based distributions, but has since become used prominently on PCLinuxOS-based distributions...

    > Remastersys - wiki
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Remastersys is a free and open source script for Ubuntu-based operating systems that can:

    * Create a customized Live CD/DVD (a remaster) of Ubuntu and derivatives.
    * Back up an entire system, including user data, to an installable Live CD/DVD.
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information

