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Another Virtualbox question

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    Another Virtualbox question


    Further exploring Virtualbox with Win XP as guest. I am experiencing an issue. When I loan virtual windows, the hard drive keeps banging away as automatic update (now turned off) comes into play to attempt to download Service pack 3 (I think- at least that's what it tried to do a couple of nights ago).

    I suspect my problem may be quite basic- -lack of space. The VBox file is in my home directory and weighs in at 9.3gb. Free space within the virtual c drive is 700Mb after taking account of a 700mb swap file. I have 1 Gb of Ram allocated to the VM. That' s a basic XP install with a few hundred Mb of apps!

    I suspect that there's a lot of swapping going on and that things will work better if the VM has some room to breathe. The only place really is the original c: drive so I would be zapping the original XP install. Whether this is right will I think depend on this single point - active X. Does it work properly on a virtualbox virtual machine? It seems to, but does anyone have any XPerience of this?



    Re: Another Virtualbox question

    I have been running XP under VB for about 6 months with out any issue. Before VB I use VMware, but that was to heavy for my liking.

    I do not use XP as a power house under VB as it is just for thing I need. For power XP I use my desktop. I have not had a problem with Active X as I don't use it. The only time I run IE on my XP machine is to download firefox.

    Now the VB XP guest should work just as a full install in regards to the basic programs like IE with active X. The only problem I have run into is with memory, and app that need more hardware then VB can provide. I also only run it under a 4gb partition.

    If you want the updates to stop you should turn off the security center in the process. That should help.

    Noel Vh
    ++Noel Vh++<br />Desktop support Lv II, III<br />Large Pharma company<br />New Jersey USA


      Re: Another Virtualbox question

      Thanks for that - interestingly I can get Dragon Naturally Speaking to run in the Virtual Machine. Like you the only time I use IE has been for specific purposes : in this case the the missus likes to watch Most Haunted Live which has webcams which, the last couple of times it has run, have required active X. Disgraceful behaviour from a public service broadcaster but there you go. Other than that, Dragon, and TomTom Home XP could go completely. I'm going to try TomTom this weekend. I'm optimistic about that one now I've got USB support.

      I was wondering about VMWare as I thought maybe a "converted" VM might run better than the one created by virtualbox because of drivers etc. Your comments that it's too "heavy" would suggest I'm best leaving it alone. Thanks



        Re: Another Virtualbox question

        Originally posted by The Liquidator

        I was wondering about VMWare as I thought maybe a "converted" VM might run better than the one created by virtualbox because of drivers etc. Your comments that it's too "heavy" would suggest I'm best leaving it alone. Thanks

        As I remember VMware was not as easy to install, and it required you to install network drivers in windows to get it on the net. As for performance I find VB much better as I don't have to do any thing to get it to work. There is the small bit about USB support in VB. That is kinda hard to get running. Using both I like VB and it's better full screen support, as well as the guest addons.

        Noel VH.
        ++Noel Vh++<br />Desktop support Lv II, III<br />Large Pharma company<br />New Jersey USA


          Re: Another Virtualbox question


          As I remember VMware was not as easy to install

          Yes, you said it! I had numerous attempts to install VMware player on my machine (2.2.27-8 generic) but failure was persistent due to no suitable VM modules in the kernel. Whilst USB was a bit finicky in virtualbox with help here I got it working and connecting to the net was a simple question of right clicking on a network icon.

          Would have been nice to get VM Ware working though so I could compare the 2.

