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Kubuntu on EEE901

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    Kubuntu on EEE901

    Anyone installed Kubuntu on an Asus EEE901? Running Ubuntu-EEE at the moment but would love to have a KDE based distro rather than a Gnome based one.

    Preferably want to have everything hardware wise running out of the box.

    Anyone got any links/howtos etc??

    Thanks in advance!

    Re: Kubuntu on EEE901

    The easiest way to have KDE in ubuntu is to type apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. This will install KDE 4, and the software that comes with it. I don't recommend it though, as it is will make your Eee quite slow.


      Re: Kubuntu on EEE901

      Well, the original Xandros was kde based if you enabled the advanced desktop.

      If you are happy with ubuntu-eee I would 2nd the motion to just install kubuntu-destkop.

      If you want to install 8.10 then the directions would be the same for ubuntu. I just installed ubuntu on my 901. Even though I like kde I consider it too resource intensive for a little netbook. I'm thinking about putting on lxde which is even lighter.

      There are better directions on eeeuser forums but the steps to install were to put the ubuntu iso on a usb drive with unetbootin. Boot to that and install, use the 4G drive as your system and the 16G drive as /home. Install Adamm's kernel from Install elmurato's scripts (look in eeeuser forums). That was it. Customize to your preference from there.


        Re: Kubuntu on EEE901

        Originally posted by alpinist
        There are better directions on eeeuser forums but the steps to install were to put the ubuntu iso on a usb drive with unetbootin. Boot to that and install, use the 4G drive as your system and the 16G drive as /home. Install Adamm's kernel from Install elmurato's scripts (look in eeeuser forums). That was it. Customize to your preference from there.
        Know how to get ubuntu on the eee - Thats how I got ubuntu on there in the first place!

        Thanks anyway might put 8.10 on there and see what happens.


          Re: Kubuntu on EEE901

          I would say that if you were going to put Kubuntu, to pass on 8.10 with the KDE4.1.
          Might be better with 8.04 with the KDE3.5.

          If you want to stay with an *Ubuntu based distro that is light weight, I would try Xubuntu.
          Or if you want light weight with a little more eye candy, try
          &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.


            Re: Kubuntu on EEE901

            I've installed Kubuntu on computer which has much lower resource and slower cpu than EEE901, everything works perfect. (that's Kubuntu 8.04+KDE3.5.10 on PentiumIII 667MHz with 320M memory.)

            The only thing need to know: better use KDE 3.5, KDE4.1 is much slower than KDE3.5, especially on computers with a slow CPU. i.e. kde4 is more cpu-hungry than memory-hungry.


              Re: Kubuntu on EEE901

              I had KDE3.5 under Kubuntu 8.04 running very happily on my Eee 900. I upgraded to Intrepid without realising that it would mean installing KDE4(!). It worked well (with the exception of KNetworkManager) but a little slow - so I've gone to xfce, which is even faster


                Re: Kubuntu on EEE901

                I'm thinking of installed a full blown Linux desktop on a friend EEE PC. *Ubuntu is easy to get new programs for, and we had troubles with using the KDE desktop before under Xandros.

                Should I installed Ubuntu EEE PC and then get KDE, or should I freshly install Kubuntu?

                How much is the performance hit in KDE 4.x over 3.5.x? I much prefer the usability enhancements of 4.2 and would like her to use them, but if the slow down is too much perhaps I should stay with the other.

                I.e., the people here recommending Xfce are probably different than more normal people. Is it that bad a performance hit? (Side note, if she did installed Xubuntu for the Xfce DE, should I just go the Xubuntu route or Ubuntu EEE and then download Xfce?
                Jester&#39;s Ring

