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KDE & smbfs & mounting samba share

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    KDE & smbfs & mounting samba share


    I'm on Kubuntu Dapper and I want to mount a Samba share using the KDE storage system (relying on hal/udev I think....?) , i.e. through system:/media.

    First, please note that I can manually mount this samba share on /mnt/IOMEGA_NAS_100D_ML without any problem, by issuing this command: sudo mount //IOMEGA_NAS_100D/ML

    My /etc/fstab looks like this (don't mind the French comments):

    # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
    # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/hda2 / ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 1
    #/dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs defaults,uid=0,gid=0,noauto,rw,nouser 0 0
    /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs umask=0222,defaults,uid=0,gid=0,noauto,rw,users 0 0
    /dev/hda3 none swap sw 0 0
    /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,atime,noauto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0
    #Pour monter dossier ML du serveur Iomega NAS, avec droits d'écriture pour utilisateur
    //IOMEGA_NAS_100D/ML /mnt/IOMEGA_NAS_100D_ML smbfs codepage=cp850,iocharset=utf-8,uid=0,gid=0,noauto,rw,users,dmask=777,fmask=777, credentials=/etc/fstab_smb_credentials_1 0 0

    The only thing that doesn't work is when I try to mount this share with the KDE storage system. I do see an icon for this share in system:/media, but if I click on it in order to mount it, I get an error message saying (my translation) "Impossible to mount the device. Reported error:" and nothing else, except an empty open konqueror window in system:/media/ML. I've tried to modify fstab in order to make the share mount on /media/ML instead of /mnt/IOMEGA_NAS_100D_ML but it didn't work....

    Someone knows how to make this thing work?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Re: KDE &amp; smbfs &amp; mounting samba share

    If the mounting works from the command line it might be a system:/ issue...can you mount it with the 'Storage Media' Kicker applet? (I find it a handy tool :P)

    As a side note, using 'dmask=777,fmask=777' is a bit strange (dmask and fmask are just like umask...777 (or 0777) means you don't give any permissions to anyone...000 (or 0000) means you give everyone all permissions. (of course root doesn't need permissions, but a regular user will have a hard time doing anything with the share)

    Also... have you tried automounting at boot time? (change 'noauto' to 'auto')


      Re: KDE &amp; smbfs &amp; mounting samba share

      Thanks for your reply.

      It seems to be some kind of a system:/ issue, indeed.

      I can't mount the share using the Storage Media Kicker applet or through system:/ using Konqueror, but once it is manually mounted (using sudo mount //IOMEGA_NAS_100D/ML or by automounting it at boot time), it becomes "browsable" throught media://. I can even unmount it using Storage Media Kicker applet or other system:/ fucntions. The only problem is with the mount commmand...

      Could this problem be related to my user's rights or the fact that my user account should be added to somme special groups (i.e. group "disk", "hal", etc.)?

      As for fmask & fmask parameters, I've tried with 000 and the effect was that I wasn't able anymore, as a user, to create or delete files/folders on the share. With 777, everything works fine...

      Any other idea?


        Re: KDE &amp; smbfs &amp; mounting samba share

        Originally posted by mlaverdiere
        I can't mount the share using the Storage Media Kicker applet or through system:/ using Konqueror, but once it is manually mounted (using sudo mount //IOMEGA_NAS_100D/ML or by automounting it at boot time), it becomes "browsable" throught media://.  I can even unmount it using Storage Media Kicker applet or other system:/ fucntions.  The only problem is with the mount commmand...
        Odd...perhaps someone with a lot of experience with samba and it's perks could help you more...but:

        Can you mount it from the command line without using sudo? 'users' option should enable regular users to mount and unmount, but maybe with samba it only enables you to unmount as a user for some reason (...that I'm unfamiliar of ). With the 'storage media' and konqueror you're trying to mount as a user...with 'sudo mount' you're doing it 'as root'

        As for fmask & fmask parameters, I've tried with 000 and the effect was that I wasn't able anymore, as a user, to create or delete files/folders on the share.  With 777, everything works fine...
        Doubly odd...'but if it isn't broken...don't fix it'

