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Squeezing the max out of kde

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    Squeezing the max out of kde

    Hello everyone,

    Since I have a not-so-powerful laptop now, I would appreciate all tips you could give on optimizing the performance.

    Now I understand adding performance like this:

    * Turning off all effects and previews. (my choice: kpersonalizer)
    * A less memory eating icon theme.( my current: gnome)
    * A faster kwin theme (my choice: CDE)
    * A faster widget style (my choice: CDE)

    Now tell me if I missed something, and I would appreciate better looking icons (than gnome of course ) that are not a memory hog.

    BTW when using gnome icons in kde, many buttons in apps (like ktorrent) have blank icons. No wonder though
    EDIT: I forgot to mention that my resolution is low, so the max icon size is 24-32 px.

    With my optimizations the laptop speed changed from a horse-dragged-cart into a car. I wanna make it like a fast car
    Join the dark side<br />---------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Samsung NC10 netbook running<br />PCLinuxOS 2010 // Win XP

    Re: Squeezing the max out of kde

    You might want to be more specific with your hardware specs and setup. That way you can get better responses from those in the same boat as you.

    Have you tried different, lighter desktops, such as Xubuntu (which uses the xfce desktop), or perhaps icewm or fluxbox?

    Depending on your hardware, that is probably the best way to gain some performance. A lot of what may slow you down are the background stuff; the tools and features that make life easier also sap the ram and cpu cycles.


      Re: Squeezing the max out of kde

      Xubuntu would be my choice for low power machines. Looks good and runs very well on my Celeron 600GHZ, 372 MB RAM machine that has a Max. Screen resolution of 800x600. Icons look good as well.

