hey, I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me how to generate a script that will run in Konsole (if possible autorun on startup) that will do as follows:
sudo -s
(prompt/wait for password)
iwconfig wlan0 essid "network"
iwpriv wlan0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK
iwpriv wlan0 set WPAPSK="password"
iwpriv wlan0 set EncrypType=TKIP
dhclient wlan0
if anyone knows how to automate that please let me know how to do it
at the moment I have to enter all these each startup to connect my network
sudo -s
(prompt/wait for password)
iwconfig wlan0 essid "network"
iwpriv wlan0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK
iwpriv wlan0 set WPAPSK="password"
iwpriv wlan0 set EncrypType=TKIP
dhclient wlan0
if anyone knows how to automate that please let me know how to do it