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Kubuntu future?

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    Kubuntu future?

    I have looked in the Feature specifications of edgy eft and Little things for kubuntu are in it. I want to know will kubuntu also be the bleeding edge like ubuntu will be after dapper +1. Will kubuntu get the same attention like ubuntu has. Will kubuntu be at the same level ubuntu is, for my feeling kubuntu is still behind ubuntu.

    Where can kubuntu users find there future info? Kubuntu in launchpad? Its Deferred.

    Maybe i'm a grumpy old men but i'm also using mepis alpha6 and it feels more polished and i hope kubuntu will be as good and doesn't feel as minor side thing to keep the kde users of ubuntu happy. I love the ubuntu community and hope the kubuntu community will grow to, because thats one thing that keeping me from moving.

    Re: Kubuntu future?

    I have to agree with you that, at least as far as Breezy is concerned, Kubuntu KDE is just not as polished as the KDE in Debian, which is the original source for Kubuntu. I hope that KDE in Dapper will be better behaved. I know that many of the changes introduced by the Kubuntu developers are designed to improve usability for new users, and I applaud this effort. But other changes (like Adept), I regard as gratuitous change for the sake of change at best, or change for the worse (like Adept).
    My ideal system, includes some console applications like emacs, some x applications like xmms, some GTK applications like synaptics, and a lot of KDE applications. So far all I've heard about Edgy seems to imply more eye candy, but not neccesarily more functionality. Well, we shall see, what we shall see.


      Re: Kubuntu future?

      As long as KDE 4 comes out for Edgy, it will be a white Christmas for me :P

      I also hate the fact that Kubuntu isn't as popular as Ubuntu, but I guess that's just life. We better get an edgy Edgy version though!

      Also, if Xgl is released with Edgy + KDE 4, it would be GODly eye candy
      <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


        Re: Kubuntu future?

        I also hate the fact that Kubuntu isn't as popular as Ubuntu, but I guess that's just life.
        I don't really understand that, because, over all, KDE is much more popular than Gnome, by almost 2:1, IIRC. It may just be that the word hasn't gotten around yet. By the time Edgy comes out, though, Kubuntu SHOULD have taken the lead. He said, crossing his fingers.


          Re: Kubuntu future?

          The next version of Mepis will be based off of Ubuntu instead of Knoppix (off which it has been based in the past). If Kubuntu development slows too much, I just may switch over to Mepis.
          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


            Re: Kubuntu future?

            That would be a major, serious loss to the (k)Ubuntu community.


              Re: Kubuntu future?

              I'd still help out here.

              My whole point is that Mepis will be Ubuntu-based, so it'll essentially be like Ubuntu but with some tweaks... I'm hoping. If it isn't, I won't be leaving.
              Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


                Re: Kubuntu future?

                Originally posted by askrieger
                I also hate the fact that Kubuntu isn't as popular as Ubuntu, but I guess that's just life.
                I don't really understand that, because, over all, KDE is much more popular than Gnome, by almost 2:1, IIRC.  It may just be that the word hasn't gotten around yet.  By the time Edgy comes out, though, Kubuntu SHOULD have taken the lead.  He said, crossing his fingers.
                I don't think that is too odd...Many KDE users might have chosen a more established KDE-centric distro (like MEPIS) over relatively new kubuntu, which is built on gnome-based ubuntu.

                I'd also assume a good deal of kubuntu users are coming from ubuntu rather than other (KDE) distros (Although there are those, too ).

                Dapper very well may be the release that will really launch kubuntu, but I doubt it will surpass the popularity of ubuntu anytime soon (though I'd think a nice even 50/50 split between the two would most benefit the development of both).

                And some healthy competition never hurt anyone (except the little grocery shop next door), both kubuntu and mepis are sure to gain from each other


                  Re: Kubuntu future?

                  Problem is that in dapper there still to many problems, like adept its doing the same as synaptic but its to buggy, only thing that i like is the live filter but, why invent something twice?

                  KDE and the new cups doesn't seems to work well, but because it works better in gnome kubuntu is forced to use a version that doesn't work good. Still got major problems to install a usb printer thats not in the cups list. If its in it works but if it isn't its a pain in the ass.

                  No straight way what kind of look it will have rumours say it will go the orange way like ubuntu, i hope not. But the looks it has now is also not proffesionel, its a half clone of vista with a background that sucks. i love the crystal deco, but i hate the choose of vista buttons.

                  Livecd and expresso installer still doesn't work and for what i see it isn't changed for 2 our 3 flights. Livecd is very very slow compared to mepis.
                  Dev aren't sure what office app the want. openOffice out koffice in? Is livecd a problem now because the german are on strike if i'm correct the do the livecd part?

                  I realy hope they will fix all before it goes live but it looks like there needs to be done alot within a very short time.


                    Re: Kubuntu future?

                    Originally posted by askrieger
                    I also hate the fact that Kubuntu isn't as popular as Ubuntu, but I guess that's just life.
                    I don't really understand that, because, over all, KDE is much more popular than Gnome, by almost 2:1, IIRC.  It may just be that the word hasn't gotten around yet.  By the time Edgy comes out, though, Kubuntu SHOULD have taken the lead.  He said, crossing his fingers.
                    I may be wrong. But I think it's simple. Ubuntu is the big Hit (the distro). By default, it comes with GNOME. That's that.

                    If (as some people advocate, but I am not so sure about it) Ubuntu would be just the Kernel + basic GNU toolchain, and you would then choose a Desktop (Gubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, etc), then my guess is that Ku and Gu buntu would be similarly popular (not sure which one would win, I don't care really ) Most people want to try Ubuntu, whatever this is (they don't know wtf Gnome/Kde is, and they shouldn't right ?)

                    Let me add one thing, I prefer KDE over GNOME (by a large leap). But I think Ubuntu's GNOME desktop is just outstanding. I still prefer Kubuntu. As Kubuntu matures, it will become more polished. Dapper will be already something. And KDE4, with Plasma, that's gonna be the winner. Plasma will let you customize everything with Python (an other) scripts. I think Kubuntu + KDE4 will be just terrific ...


                      Re: Kubuntu future?

                      I am sure some of you already got the message, but on Linux Tag in Germany Mark Shuttleworth held a keynote about the future of Kubuntu and also (from my point of view) made a very important statement, that KDE shall be part of the whole Ubuntu-hype thing and therefore well supported.

                      In some interview I read he also said, that most of the people developing Ubuntu now are themeselves Gnome-users. And I guess thats the important point - they don't prefer Gnome for their distro in general, but the do personal. That may be the reason, why gnome is more polished. Just look at the planet ( There are people like Jeff Waugh there who take part actively.

                      A GUI is too individual to say "you got to use that" - I guess Shuttleworth has that opinion too and supporting three Desktop Enviroments simply makes Ubuntu better. But KDE and the core people of KDE, probably the whole community, should focus itself more on the Ubuntu project, I guess. Ubuntu could really be a big hit, and it would be quite bad for KDE to miss that. By the way, Mar Shuttleworth said Canonical will employ more KDE-based developers (not KDE developers).


                        Re: Kubuntu future?

                        As I understand it, that was the issue in the short work stoppage by the German Kubuntu developers. Personally, I just installed ubuntu-desktop to see what progress had been made in the five or six years since I last looked at Gnome. I still can't use it.


                          Re: Kubuntu future?

                          All i can say is i hope kubuntu has a healthy future! I am a former mepis user, but i prefer kubuntu for many reasons (too many to list, but for example the ease of updating the kernel in kubuntu vs mepis) and i hope by kubuntu's second birthday it can be a real contender for the best distro out there (even against ubuntu). One can dream
                          Nowadays I'm mostly Mac, but...
                          tron: KDE neon User | MacPro5,1 | 3.2GHz Xeon | 48GB RAM | 250GB, 1TB, & 500GB Samsung SSDs | Nvidia GTX 980 Ti


                            Re: Kubuntu future?

                            I think you could say that Kubuntu is already a contender for the best distro. Why wouldn't you? I just tried to run the Mepis 6 Beta 3 head to head against Kubuntu, but Mepis had some networking issues, and I couldn't find any help, so Mepis has been removed from my system. End of test! I think that the final will probably work better in the end, but so will Kubuntu and Kubuntu already works! Kubuntu's future sure looks bright!



                              Re: Kubuntu future?

                              Originally posted by ricnmar
                              I think you could say that Kubuntu is already a contender for the best distro.  Why wouldn't you?  I just tried to run the Mepis 6 Beta 3 head to head against Kubuntu, but Mepis had some networking issues, and I couldn't find any help, so Mepis has been removed from my system.  End of test!  I think that the final will probably work better in the end, but so will Kubuntu and Kubuntu already works!  Kubuntu's future sure looks bright!

                              I had the same with a pc of a uncle but then just the otherway around .

                              The mepis site need improvement to find info better, there forum isn't great but that counts also for kubuntu forum. Ubuntu forum blows all forums away it is the best and the layout rocks.

                              I have both running and i'm still split i like the clean look of kubuntu but love the mature feeling and a little more stabiel Mepis.

