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Backup on a Fileserver

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    Backup on a Fileserver

    I am currently working on getting the specs together to setup a fileserver for my church. The initial goal of this server will be the following: Share files to 3 Windows XP and 1 Mac OSX client computers. Be a Calendar Server for the above machines. Be a Print server for the above machines. Future goals include setting it up as a Mail Server and a Web Server.

    My problem is figuring out working automated backups that will be done from the server itself. I plan on setting it up as a RAID 5 machine with 4 hard drives initially (of course the /boot and swap partitions will be running RAID 1 as you can't run RAID 5 on these). I have spec'd out an external SATA to USB case that holds 2 harddrives. Does anyone have any suggestions on what application to use for backups? I figure once I know of a decent program that will back up the drives as RAID drives not copying every single drives I should be able to write a script or setup a cron task to run it automatically.