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6 week delay

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    6 week delay

    I'm new in this forum, so I hope I posted my topic into the correct section. I've been a Mandriva Linux user since 10.0, however I'm seriously planning to switch to Kubuntu. I've heard many good things about this distro and also tried out Live version. My initial plan was to wait until the Dapper Drake comes out and than get rid of Mandriva and install Kubuntu with KDE 3.5. Today I heard that there is a 6 week delay and that the Dapper Drake will be released as late as May. Is that true? I'm a bit eager to get my hands on the brand new stable version of Kubuntu. 
    In a world without windows and fences who needs Gates?

    Re: 6 week delay

    Actually the proposed date is June 1, 2006, making the release Kubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake. Before that, there might be another beta release (Flight 6).

    There have been some comments that the current situation is that Dapper is quite stable enough on some desktops. But the official stand of the devs is to use Dapper with caution as they cannot guarantee 100% stability.

    Why not try the current stable version? But if you are feeling a bit adventurous, you can always install Dapper now.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: 6 week delay

      Well, if that is the case I will probably install the latest stable version. Are there any known problems with adding the latest KDE 3.5.1? On my Mandriva 2006 I've been experiencing some minor glitches with kicker crushes.
      In a world without windows and fences who needs Gates?


        Re: 6 week delay

        Well, I've had my share of crashes with kicker and konqueror. But everything is fairly stable.
        Yeah, you'd be better off installing the stable release for now. Then when you get a feel for the distro and feel a bit courageous, you could then upgrade to Dapper just by modifying your sources.list.
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: 6 week delay

          As a former Mandrake user let me say that compared to apt-get and/or Synaptic, urpmi and the Mandrake GUI package manager look liike a Sopwith Camel next to a 767. Switch to Kubuntu Breezy today. You won't regret it.


            Re: 6 week delay

            Originally posted by askrieger
            As a former Mandrake user let me say that compared to apt-get and/or Synaptic, urpmi and the Mandrake GUI package manager look liike a Sopwith Camel next to a 767.   Switch to Kubuntu Breezy today.  You won't regret it.
            It's funny that so many people say that. I have a very different opinion. To me, urpmi and apt-get, and their corresponding GUIs, are very comparable. And packaging quality is also comparable (maybe Ubuntu wins in this category but not by a long shot).

            In general, Mandriva seems to me like a better choice for a newbie today. It is more mature and it has more and better config. tools. Kubuntu is more polished, sexy and up to date though. And it has a more predictable release cycle. And more clear goals. This is really why I switched. And I think K/Ubuntu will be better than Mandriva in a year or two at the pace it is progressing ... but not now IMHO.

            My 2 pesos . Cheers !


              Re: 6 week delay

              I haven't looked at Mandr* in over a year, so my information is out of date. At that time, dependency hell was a common, if not frequent, occurence in urpmi. That has happened to me, only once in Debian Sid with apt-get and never in Kubuntu and I've added a bunch of sofware over the default installation.

              So far I have never seen a message while compiling c++ with gcc in Debian or Kubuntu that said "please report this compiler bug to the packagers at", or the equivalent. That was what really drove me away from Mandrake. I had to work around the bugs in their development software.

              The configuration tools have always been effective in Mandrake and they changed significantly from 8.? (or was it 9.?) to 10.2 which was my last Mandrake install and I suspect that they may have gotten better since. But, I don't find the KDE System Control Center particularly baffling (aside the recent bug that wouldn't allow users to get into Administrator mode. That should never have gotten out to the world.)


                Re: 6 week delay


                I you just want a stable version of kubuntu, plus kde 3.5(.2) you should do this :

                1) Install kubuntu breezy badger
                2) add the kde 3.5 repository to the /etc/apt/source.list file (the repository must be available on the kubuntu official website)
                3) being root : #apt-get update
                then : #apt-get dist-upgrade

                If you do this : you should be in virtual console, and you should "killall kdm" before dist-upgrade.
                When you've done that just reboot kdm...

                that's all !

                apt-get is magic !

