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DNS lookup (internet)

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    DNS lookup (internet)

    This problem isn't a Kubuntu problem, or even a Linux/Debian problem. In my location, DNS resolving is extremely slow, and I'm looking for ideas to solve that.

    I've tried setting DNS servers via DHCP from the ISP, OpenDNS, and some others. They all seem to be quite slow. I can measure page loading in seconds, with most of that time at the "looking up" stage. Once the look up is completed, pages load nicely.

    This same problem is obvious in Windows machines, OpenSUSE machines, and in various incarnations of Debian/Ubuntu.

    I live in Arkansas, USA, for starters. I've not located any DNS servers physically closer than Georgia. Of course, I've often read that the physical location is less important than "net location", due to routing.

    At one point, I was using Squid to do local caching, but that proved unsatisfactory. We have 5 computer uses on 4 machines, and caching tended to provide dead links quite often.

    I've browsed through the DNS servers avaliable under Kubuntu - but I don't know which, if any, might improve my internet speed. MaraDNS looks pretty simple to set up and configure, but I've not quite made my mind up to plunge into something new.

    So - I'm looking for advice as to whether running my own DNS server will boost my speed, and/or which server will offer the best performance. Alternatively, I'm looking for internet DNS servers that actually will improve performance.

    I once used the Pacific Root DNS servers, and they were remarkably faster than anything else available. Unfortunately, the Pacific Root in no longer in business.

    Thank for your time, and any advice!!

    Re: DNS lookup (internet)

    One thing I do, is to ping my frequently visited sites, and get the IP address. Edit your bookmark entires to use the IP address instead of the url. That completely bypasses the DNS server and speeds things up. Only problem is, some sites change the IP address occasionally, but many of the more popular sites have been using the same ip address for years.


      Re: DNS lookup (internet)

      I also posted at my home forum, where we have a Linux guru. He advised that I install my own DNS server.

      After diddling around with MaraDNS, and finding that dependencies were broken, I installed Bind9. Took awhile to get it configured to serve my LAN, but it's up and running.

      There is no specific "How-to" for doing what I wanted on Ubuntu, but I used this page, primarily:

      The initial visit to any given site is quick, but thanks to caching, repeat visits are even faster. No more watching that "Page loading" icon!!

