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Support Bios RAID 0

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    Support Bios RAID 0

    I'm considered new to Linux, although I've been using it on my laptop as a default OS for few moths.

    Few days ago, I've finished assembling my semi super computer.
    I still want to use Linux as default OS, but decided to install Windows Vista to support DirectX 10 & not to be outdated.
    I chose Intel's Bios RAID configuration "As I have Intel DP35DP Media Motherboard", then installed Windows Vista.
    I then launched Kubuntu 7.10 from live CD, unfortunately it couldn't identify the Bios RAID 0.
    I've searched the internet thoroughly to get a solution. All what I found is "dmraid" & "mdadm".
    But these should work when the Bios RAID is disabled. "I've tried dmraid, but it fails to format the ext3 partition"
    I do not want to disable the Bios Raid 0 because I need it for Windows.

    After spending 3 days trying to figure it out, I decided to give my old CD "OpenSuse 10.2" a try.

    After booting it, it identifies the 2 HDD's & the Bios RAID, after choosing to install using the Bios RAID it Installs smoothly & runs well.

    What I would like to say for Kubuntu developers is, Please support the Bios RAID 0 configuration in the next release of Kubuntu.

    I've seen countless numbers of people around the globe trying to install linux on a Bios RAID 0 configuration.

    Since Linux is open, I think you can benefit from "OpenSuse" & other Fedora core Linux distos.

    Hope this message gets to the right people.

    And thanks for all of this wonderful & amazing work & support.

    Re: Support Bios RAID 0

    It's not really specific to Raid 0. It's inherent to all fakeRAID/SATA-Raid configs.

    I wanted to this yesterday, but ended up using softraid because my brand new nvidia SATA RAID would not show up after dmraid -ay. I'd love to see dmraid get actual support for dual-booters.
    Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.


      Re: Support Bios RAID 0

      Originally posted by 3vi1
      It's not really specific to Raid 0. It's inherent to all fakeRAID/SATA-Raid configs.
      Yes, you are right, I should have mentioned that, but I was so upset with the failure of my installation that I only mentioned my problem only. "Sorry"

      What happens is when you "dmraid -ay -f isw" as for Intel Matrix Storage, it tells you that they are active & you can deal with them in installation, but Kubuntu then fails to format the partition.


        Re: Support Bios RAID 0

        I think I saw an open bug about this, but it didn't get work in time for Hardy. Unless I misunderstand, the plan for future releases is to load dmraid as part of the installer and automagically support these SATA-Raid boards.

        I believe Fedora already does this.
        Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.

