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GParted 0.3.4-11 Live CD problems [SOLVED]

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    GParted 0.3.4-11 Live CD problems [SOLVED]

    GParted 0.3.4-11 Live CD problems

    Has anyone had problems with the new GParted Live CD, version -11:
    0.3.4-11 Live CD (12-17-08)

    There is no “eject & reboot" option, only reboot and shutdown (and one other).
    Trying to “shutdown” gives:
    INIT: Sending processes to KILL signal!
    etc etc
    Remounting remaining filesystem read only.
    --and it freezes at that screen--

    Related issue and question:
    After removing the Live CD, damage to Kubuntu start up resulted:
    “INIT 34 Can't open /scripts/functions
    Kernel Panic—not syncing—Attempted to Kill INIT!”
    --and it froze right there--unable to boot into Kubuntu 7.10--

    Incidentally, anyone know a fix to that kernel panic?
    (Didn't find much with google per se, and I could not locate /scripts/functions.)

    I was not doing any partition work prior to exiting GParted (only exploring various menus, the terminal, & features). I find it hard to believe I would be the only one encountering this issue.

    (BTW, no problems with the previous -10 version; also, I posted at GParted forum.)
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

    Re: GParted 0.3.4-11 Live CD problems

    Hmmm -- that's surprising. I have -10 and, as you say, it works just fine. Just used it yesterday to set up for Hardy Heron Alpha 4.


      Re: GParted 0.3.4-11 Live CD problems

      Surprising, yes, indeed. The Live CD has not been supported for some time now, and I hope that's not the future of the project.

      I can't imagine why any developer would omit the option Eject & Reboot in a partition editor.

      I'd be curious to know if anyone else has encountered such issues with -11.

      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: GParted 0.3.4-11 Live CD problems

        This may have solved it:

        (with root privileges)

        Open /boot of sdb2 (where the broken Kubuntu 7.10 is located).
        Rename initrd-img-2.6.22-14-generic.bak as initrd-img-2.6.22-14-generic.
        Reboot twice to test it. So far, it works fine.
        Then I copied that same initrd file onto Desktop, renamed it initrd-img-2.6.22-14-generic.bak to make it my new backup copy, and copied the new .bak file back into /boot.
        Not sure how Linux experts would feel about this sort of messing around, but it seems to work.

        A google suggests that such init/ issues with /scripts/functions comes up in various ways, esp updates. For other folks who might google here, I'll mention two other tips I've run into.

        Using a Live CD, access that broken partition, and as root, run
        sudo update-initramfs -u -v
        (you can omit the -v for verbose if you don't care to see the progress).

        If that doesn't work or hangs on you, you might try repairing the tools by re-installing initramfs-tools (using Adept Manager). If you have problems doing that, use Konsole to uninstall it, then install it as follows:

        sudo dpkg --configure -a
        sudo apt-get --purge remove initramfs-tools
        sudo apt-get install initramfs-tools
        Then repeat:
        sudo update-initramfs -u -v

        (That did not work for me, so I did what I indicated at the start of this post.)

        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

