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Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

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    Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

    I am having so many problems.

    I finally got sound (it is disabled by default, then null just ignores). When I selected Unknown it said a process could not be completed for installing the boot loader.

    I switched it to Linux 2.6 and it stopped and select and install software, which mean it went farther before. Although Live CDs hung at unknown.

    Does VirtualBox even Run Ubuntu, should I just stick with VM Ware? I was so excited about a free VM app but it disappoints me that it doesnt even work...
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    My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

    Originally posted by RealG187
    Does VirtualBox even Run Ubuntu, should I just stick with VM Ware? I was so excited about a free VM app but it disappoints me that it doesnt even work...
    VMware Player 2.0 is free. It works very well.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

      Wasnt player always free? I hear the free version is slower (but then again is VirtualBox is slow too, I dunno, which i faster VMplayer or VirtualBox?).

      Also I tried VMWare player and you needed to make the virtual machines and it didnt do that.

      DOes VMWare work in Linux? I never got it on my Pentium III, but then again that PC probably couldnt handle VM, my laptop slows down sometimes and it's dual core!
      My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

        VMWare Player Image Creation This is the link I used to download empty VMWare Player images. This is a good site. You just need to read the information and follow the instructions.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

          I think I have VM Ware 5 or 6. Could I run the same virtual machines from any Windows and Linux machine? Like the so i can use the same guest OS regardless of the host and not have to have a different image for each host..
          My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

            I run VBox and it runs fine for me.


              Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

              Originally posted by txWingMan
              I run VBox and it runs fine for me.
              WTF, what was I doing wrong then? WHat settings did you use?
              My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

                Originally posted by txWingMan
                I run VBox and it runs fine for me.
                Same here. I did have some initial problems with it corrupting some things, but I did track that down to other issues on the machine that caused it to do that. Since fixing the other issues, I now have KDE4 Live CD installed as well as Fluxbuntu. All work fairly well. I wouldn't say great, but fairly well. Enough to test Distros with.


                  Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

                  Originally posted by RealG187
                  WTF, what was I doing wrong then? WHat settings did you use?
                  How did you install VB? Virtualbox-OSE from the repo or did you download the non OSE source and install it yourself? I did the latter because the OSE edition does not support USB on the guest.



                    Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

                    Originally posted by txWingMan
                    WTF, what was I doing wrong then? WHat settings did you use?
                    How did you install VB? Virtualbox-OSE from the repo or did you download the non OSE source and install it yourself? I did the latter because the OSE edition does not support USB on the guest.

                    I was using the Windows Version on Vista, it has been a while sicne I ran Linux (like summer time when I had my laptop stolen and used my Pentium III, I wanna put Linux on my Laptop but dont have time, so I am gonna use VM [For now...])
                    My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

                      I myself used the Repos, and yes, no USB.


                        Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

                        Originally posted by MoonRise
                        I myself used the Repos, and yes, no USB.
                        On the host or guest, I am assuming guest since I dont think Windows Vista has those...
                        My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

                          Correct. The guest, but that's OK, the only real USB I use is for the mouse and VirtualBox handles that real well, so in essence it uses that particular USB device by happenstance.


                            Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

                            I never used USB but still had problems...
                            My Local Repository<br />Forums I am active on<br />Please help me with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              Re: Virtual Box and Ubuntu dont work together

                              I used the repos, two installs, USB works on both... with every oddball USB device I throw at it. I believe the OSE no USB baloney is old news. There were some extra steps to enable USB, but no compile.

