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Post-Installation Resource Kit

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    Post-Installation Resource Kit

    I'm a Kubuntu user. Kubuntu is the first Linux distribution I've actually used. I, like many others new to Linux, experienced 'challanges' in getting things properly configured. I persisted; I Googled, and I joined Forums and asked questions - a lot of questions.

    Wouldn't it be nice, if when you arrived at the Desktop, you had a resource kit at your fingertips, a kit that contained useful information on such things as video problems, audio problems, printer problems, USB and/or Windoze drive access problems, and more.

    Basically, I see this resource kit as a README file on the desktop. It would contain information on where help with these items can be located, and/or steps one can take within the installed OS to try to remedy the problem.

    Comments and suggestions wanted and appreciated.
    No Opinion
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

    Re: Post-Installation Resource-Kit

    I think this could be very easily achieved as basically all the documentation and the like exists, it just need some file pointing you to it.


      Re: Post-Installation Resource-Kit

      Good idea. Actually, if it just captured "Best of the Forums", it would be quite useful.


        Re: Post-Installation Resource-Kit

        I think this is a good idea. A sort of first-time document with short tips and links, etc. It could be made part of the entire Kubuntu Desktop Guide, but perhaps just a small part/section/chapter can be show to users for easier digestion.

        nixternal (Kubuntu developer par excellence) blogged about an idea that was brought up a few weeks ago and can be seen in

        There are, however, one major problem: How to get this document immediately accessible/visible to users. You see, Ubuntu-land has a sort of policy: No first-run wizards, no desktop icons, no (or almost none) obtrusive popups. So thinking of a creative solution for this I quite a challenge.

        Ideas are welcome and appreciated.
        Jucato's Data Core


          Re: Post-Installation Resource-Kit

          Thank you snowhog your suggestion goes along he lines of my post:

          the more the merrier
          There are, however, one major problem: How to get this document immediately accessible/visible to users. You see, Ubuntu-land has a sort of policy: No first-run wizards, no desktop icons, no (or almost none) obtrusive popups. So thinking of a creative solution for this I quite a challenge.
          I see your point. But what is more important "policy" or user satisfaction?. Especially new user satisfaction.
          How about a nice inviting screen that comes up when konqueror is first started and can be selected to either start or not start at every konqueror start up. Additionaly a link in the help section of k-menu. I mean what is the help section there for if not for help?
          HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
          4 GB Ram
          Kubuntu 18.10


            Re: Post-Installation Resource-Kit

            I think a prominent kmenu item would do the trick. It is after all one of the first places anyone who has just installed will click. As long as the name is fairly self explanatory. That said I do agree with fintan about policy vs user satisfaction.


              Re: Post-Installation Resource-Kit

              Something that should be included in the Resource Kit, are instructions on what to do to get things that worked under the LiveCD but don't after installation. I've seen any number of posts from new members who said in essence, "Video and wireless worked just fine when using the LiveCD, but after I installed, my wireless no longer works, or I don't get a desktop, just a black screen" etc. This type of issue is probably one of the most frustrating issues new users to *ubuntu experience, and which colors their negative opinion of the OS.

              This post clearly documents this very problem.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Post-Installation Resource Kit

                This poll will be closed on 11 December 2007. If you have comments as to what you think of this, please vote and post your comments.
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Re: Post-Installation Resource Kit

                  Fintan, your thread is good and right-on.

                  We need better documentation. In general.
                  This resource guide could be part of the kubuntuguide. Or, pinned at the top of our Documentation > How-To’s.
                  Who will maintain this?
                  The kubuntuguide needs to be improved.
                  Would be nice to have a Kubuntu guide/book written with the same tone & style as the book by Peter Van der Linden, Guide to Linux, 2005-2006 (2 printings), which is KDE-based and uses Linspire as his example. One of the best computing books I’ve ever read, starting with the ABC's and going through intermediate topics. Plain as day to read and use.
                  An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                    Re: Post-Installation Resource Kit

                    One possibility to keep the desktop clean is to put the guide on the LiveCD as a Grub choice.

                    If so, I'd like to see that open in something graphically attractive and easily browsable, instead of terminal ascii, like a man page. Nothing like a multipage 1979 display screen requiring key commands he or she may not know to scare away a LiveCD newcomer.

                    But it might be a useful place for it -- after all, I suppose sometimes you can't get any further in than Grub.

                    I'm not opposed to something on the desktop, but if that's the philosophy, then this might be a compromise to achieve it.

                    The Grub choice could also be referenced as a URL from an icon on the desktop, if this was permisable, or a bookmark in the default browser.


                      Re: Post-Installation Resource Kit

                      I'd like to point everyone towards the help system built into kde. Probably the best place for this stuff and if the interface needs work, well, guess theres a bit of work to do. But again, it'd make more sense, at least to me, to just open up help and search for your problem/question. Could also add a link to the help application on the desktop for new users. I'm no good at writing help guides, but I'm sure there are some out there in the community that are. Anyways, thats my 2 cents.

