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trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

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    trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

    i think i have downloaded correctly the java plugin ,
    as i can see it in


    now i go to my firefox directory and into the plugins directory at :
    and type in
    ln -s/usr/java/jre1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7/

    this is what i get back;
    ln: invalid option -- /
    Try `ln --help' for more information.

    any help ?

    Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

    ln -s/usr/java/jre1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7/
    If that is exactly what you are typing in I think you need a space between the '-s' and the '/usr/...

    ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0/plugin/i386/


      Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

      i feel pretty stupid..... that was it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      still cant see where to switch on if firefox -- says go edit-preferences-advanced
      i dont see any option for java here
      also how do i make firefox come up in thre internet menu ??


        Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

        actually - now i find enable java under edit-preferences-content

        it is turned on ? so why when i try to click on a chart function on a website i use at work (windows) it say i need to download plugin ?

        went to to check install

        got ;

        Detecting Java on your computer
        Verifying version

        The page should refresh and display your environment within 10-60 sec.
        If it is taking longer, your browser may not be using the latest JRE or there is a problem with your installation.

        i didnt get the dancing duke - so something is wrong!!! anyway i can just download a version of firefox which includes the addin.... save a lot of hassle....??


          Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

          still cant see where to switch on if firefox -- says go edit-preferences-advanced
          Have a look at edit/preferences/content and you will see that there are two check boxes for javascript and java. Check to see it the java box is checked.

          also how do i make firefox come up in thre internet menu ??
          Right click the Kmenu select menu editor. When that comes up highlight 'internet' select File/new item give it a name, say firefox, you will then be given a box where you can fill in the path to firefox and optionally choose an icon, select File/save and firefox will now appear in the internet menu.


            Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

            thanks for help on kmenu. on the runtime plugin - i have both java and javascript enabled....
            on the javawebsite it indicates i do not have it installed propaly as it does not work.... i am lost..
            looks like all ok


              Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

              You're not running the 64-bit version of Kubuntu, are you?


                Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

                i dont think so . ... where do i check ?


                  Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

                  Open a Konsole window and enter
                  uname -a

                  If your ouput looks like this, it is a 64-bit OS:
                  Linux kgutsy 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux
                  There seems to be problems with Java RE in 64-bit installations. There's something called "icedtea-java7-jre" and "icedtea-java7-plugin" in the repos, that is supposed to patch us along until a better solution is available, but I installed them and the Java test site still doesn't run in Firefox. I've also heard that you can get it working with the other Mozilla browser, but I haven't needed to try it.


                    Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

                    i have
                    Linux cow1 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

                    this is 32 right ?


                      Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong


                      So, why don't you use Adept and install those icedtea packages that I mentioned above, and see if that makes a difference.


                        Re: trying to install java plugin ... doing something wrong

                        tried it all --- to be frank - it seems to me a lot of tinkering needed - i got a job to get on with... so back to windows.

