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Adding a custom keyboard layout

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    Adding a custom keyboard layout

    Posted this on the KDE forums but didnt get any responses, anyone here that knows these things?

    I want to tweak my keyboard layout. I edit the file in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols and add a new variant to the language.

    But it doesnt work as intended. I have this line:

    key <AC01> { [ a, A, colon, comma ] };

    As Ive understood it, this will make the "a" button to print a colon when pressed together with altgr. But it does not. Can anyone help me figure out whats wrong? The other customizations Ive done works.

    Keep in mind that this is the first thing I try to do in my newly installed system (latest version of kubuntu).

    Re: Adding a custom keyboard layout

    Do other AltGr combinations work on your custom layout?

    Do you have
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"
    in your custom layout? (that should make AltGr act as the level3 key)


      Re: Adding a custom keyboard layout

      Thanks, adding that include line made the altgr combination works. What does "level3" key mean? Where can I read more about these notations?


        Re: Adding a custom keyboard layout

        Originally posted by Mizipzor
        What does "level3" key mean?
        It just means the 'shift' key for the third symbols assigned to keys (often referred to as AltGr characters)

        Where can I read more about these notations?
        The include tag will just 'add' the "ralt_switch" -variant key definitions in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/level3 symbols file to your custom layout.

