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creating user + setting rights

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    creating user + setting rights

    Hi! Can somebody teach me how can I create new users and set their rights only to reading, writing to their new local /home/newuser/ directory?

    Please help me, Grega, Smart duck

    Re: creating user + setting rights

    You can use the GUI tool in System Settings -> User Management to create a new user. It automatically creates the correct /home directory and groups for the new user.

    By default, any file that a user creates will have these set of permissions:

    Owner can read and write (u+rw)
    Group owner can read (g+r)
    Others can read (o+r)

    Any folder that is created will have these permissions:
    Owner can read, write, and execute (u+rwx)
    Group can read and execute (g+rx)
    Others can read and execute (o+rx)

    Note that a folder must be executable if you want to be able to cd/go into that directory. Files are not executable by default when created.
    Jucato's Data Core

